The doctor named 6 obligatory examinations that you need to undergo even if nothing hurts

The doctor named 6 obligatory examinations that you need to undergo even if nothing hurts

Maria Vetluzhskaya

Maria Vetluzhskaya

What examinations should be done before the age of 25

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This applies to both men and women under the age of 25.

Maria Vetluzhskaya

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Synergy University, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

One of the best ways to prevent the development of various diseases is to undergo examinations, both men and women, even if they feel absolutely healthy. The list of recommended examinations depends on gender, age and the presence of chronic diseases, as well as the risk of their development.

Between the ages of 18 and 25, both men and women should visit a general practitioner or general practitioner to examine and detect early signs of disease, assess the risk of developing certain problems in the future, receive recommendations on healthy lifestyle, and decide whether to vaccinate (based on the recommended adult vaccination schedule and the epidemic situation).

Of laboratory examinations, regardless of gender at this age should be done:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Biochemical analysis of blood.
  3. General urinalysis.
  4. Blood tests for HIV, hepatitis C and B.
  5. Electrocardiogram.
  6. Chest X-ray (or fluorography).

In addition to these tests, if you have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, your doctor may recommend that you have your total blood cholesterol and lipid profile evaluated.

If you are overweight and/or obese, have prediabetes, arterial hypertension, or if you have close relatives with diabetes or are planning a pregnancy, it is a good idea to get screened for diabetes.

Don’t forget to make a preventive visit to the dentist at least once or twice a year to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Between the ages of 18 and 25, schedule a visit with an ophthalmologist. If you are concerned about vision problems, get a checkup at least once a year or more often (as recommended by your doctor).

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If you are 20 years old or older, you are not worried about anything, but you want to stay healthy and active as long as possible, be sure to make an appointment with a cardiologist.

The specialist will assess your cardiovascular risk level (the probability of heart and vascular diseases) and give personalized recommendations for the correction of risk factors, if you have them: smoking, overweight/obesity, sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus.

For young women, an annual gynecologist consultation is mandatory, as well as breast and cervical cancer screening. In addition to a gynecologist exam, annual testing for sexually transmitted infections is a must.

Do not forget to perform monthly self-palpation of the mammary glands, and if any changes are detected, consult a doctor. If necessary, your gynecologist may refer you for a breast ultrasound or mammogram.

At the link, a mammologic oncologist gave reasons why your breasts may hurt.

Young men should see a urologist for an examination and tests for sexually transmitted infections. The doctor will also teach how to perform testicular self-palpation for early detection of cancer, one of the most common tumors between the ages of 20 and 34.

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