What is “brain massage” and why is it done? A psychologist named 5 ways to reboot yourself

What is “brain massage” and why is it done? A psychologist named 5 ways to reboot yourself

Alena Makarova

Alena Makarova

O que é

Versão em áudio:

The easiest set of exercises to get rid of headaches, stress and fatigue.

Alena Makarova

Psychologist, TV presenter, motivational speaker, entrepreneurial expert

“We are used to understand massage as a mechanical action on the body. Certain touches and stimulation cause the right reaction in the body and contribute to relaxation, activation of internal systems and processes. But in psychology, the concept of brain massage is not related to touching the head.”

In this case, under massage we understand methods of stimulating mental activity in order to improve cognitive processes and influence the subconscious mind.

What is “brain massage” and what is it done for?

The practice of “brain massage” is based on the principles of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change its structure and functioning under the influence of new experiences. Thus, different stimuli and exercises help improve memory, concentration, creativity and other cognitive skills.

“Brain massage” is good both for self-development and for stabilizing our emotional state. When we have a new pleasurable experience, we can feel not only a reduction in stress, but also a boost in vitality.

It can be really compared to a body massage in terms of its effect on the moral state: clamps are removed (in our case – psychological), metabolism (quality of neural connections) is improved, different departments (brain) are stimulated.


In practice, brain massage is quite simple. First of all, it involves new content: music (especially classical music), movies and literature. And the more diverse works you read/listen/view, the better for your cognitive functions. Solving puzzles, meditation and other exercises aimed at activating mental and moral resources are also types of brain massage.

But watching short video clips cannot be attributed to such stimulation. Low semantic load and small timing will rather contribute to a decrease in concentration and potential for memorization, than bring benefit.

The simplest set of exercises for brain massage, which will take no more than an hour to complete

1. Meditation in silence – 7-10 minutes. It is important to catch the state of “without thoughts”, to feel your body and yourself in space.

2. Listening to classical music (or at least instrumental covers of popular songs) – 7-10 minutes. Try to immerse yourself in the sound, hear the instruments both in an ensemble and individually.

3. reading fiction – 15-20 minutes. Be sure to present colorful images of what you are reading about. Imagine creating a movie in real time, with details, smells, and musical accompaniment.

4- Dancing – 7-10 minutes. To your favorite music. Without thinking about what it looks like.

5. A puzzle – 7-10 minutes. It can even be an app on your phone, but make sure it’s geared towards “thinking” and not speed or just driving your fingers across the screen

Regular use of such methods helps to improve psychological state and mental activity. Of course, do not forget about the individual characteristics of each person – the proposed option for someone will be effective, and someone will choose a different set of activities.

But in any case, “brain massage” is a real manifestation of self-care. And its regularity will definitely have a positive impact on the quality of life.

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