What should not be done to avoid getting old by the age of 40? A doctor tells us

Ilya Almazov

Plastic surgeon, neurosurgeon, PhD in Medicine

Have you ever wondered why some people visually appear much older than their actual age, while others look younger for longer? The answer must be sought in lifestyle. Of course, the aging process is inevitable, but there are a few unconscious habits that can accelerate these unpleasant changes in the body.

1. Improper diet

The diet you follow throughout your life affects the rate of aging. Consumption of predominantly processed foods can accelerate cellular fading.

For example, the abuse of simple carbohydrates affects your metabolism. Thus acid accumulating in the tissues causes chronic inflammation and spasm of microvessels. The result is a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which causes the cell to become “sluggish”.

To learn 7 products that slow down the aging of the body and skin, follow the link.

2. Consumption of large amounts of alcohol

Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively affects blood sugar levels. This in turn leads to unhealthy weight gain, liver disease, stroke, development of cancer, and heart disease. It also shows up on a person’s appearance, particularly the quality of facial skin.

3. Stress and anxiety

Chronic stress can lead to premature skin aging. When you experience nervous tension, your body produces cortisol. This hormone has a detrimental effect on the dermis because it promotes free radicals in the body. The harmful substances damage cells and lead to early signs of aging.

4. Insufficient sleep

If you often feel exhausted from the morning and throughout the day, it indicates a lack or absence of quality sleep. Proper rest is essential for your overall health and the body’s repair processes. This important factor slows down aging because collagen is produced when a person sleeps.

How to slow aging after age 30, 40 and 50? Doctor’s recommendations for all age groups HERE.

5. Smoking

It is a known risk factor for many diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Smoking also contributes to visual aging, resulting in wrinkles, age spots. The addiction also increases the likelihood of developing eye diseases such as cataracts and yellow spot degeneration.

6. Frequent exposure to the sun

Ultraviolet radiation when exposed to unprotected skin leads to wrinkles, age spots and even cancer. While it is vital to get vitamin D from the sun, it is important to be aware of the dangers of overexposure to sunlight. Remember to take appropriate precautions – use special cream and headgear.

7. Lack of activity or exercise

Few people are proactive about their health and keep up with physical activity. Lack of exercise contributes significantly to premature aging. It leads to obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other diseases.

As we age, due to decreased production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of muscle mass, a decline in strength begins to progress. This is reflected in the condition of the skin.

8. Sedentary lifestyle

Even if you have an office job or need to be in front of a computer all the time, sitting for long periods of time is highly undesirable. To feel young, stay healthy and reduce the risk of accelerated aging, it is important to break down the amount of time you spend in this position. Be sure to take breaks.

9. Lack of water

Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining good health. Dehydration is considered to be one of the obvious signs of dermal aging, where the body’s cleansing process is impaired, internal organs become less efficient, and the skin becomes dull and flabby.

When does old age begin and what signs about it tell? The answer to the question in the previous material.
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