10 useful asanas for runners that will help you stay healthy and improve your performance

Anastasia Ozhgikhina

Dean of the Faculty of Sports Industry at Synergy University, international hatha yoga instructor

What yoga exercises should runners do after a run?

In the previous article we discussed why runners should practice yoga and how it helps them to achieve new personal records. Recall, the practice allows athletes to strengthen their muscles well, increase their endurance, and thus reduce the risk of injuries during training. We promised to share with you a set of exercises that can and should be done after jogging. It will be especially relevant to athletes who run in winter. Now it’s cold and slippery outside, which means that muscles and joints need extra care from our side. So here we go!

Pyramid pose


  • Stand up straight, spread your feet about two feet wide apart. Smoothly turn the pelvis, feet and body to the left.
  • As you exhale, lower the body down, trying to touch the forehead to the shin, but without changing the position of the feet. The inclination is performed not with the head, but with the chest and diaphragm, put both hands next to the feet on the floor. It is important to correctly align the position of the pelvis: the thigh of the right leg is directed inward, and the left (to which the bend is performed) – outward. Stay in the asana for five breathing cycles. Try to relax your neck and stretch your spine as much as possible.
  • With an inhalation rise, return to the starting position with legs wide apart, turn the body to the other side and perform a bend to the other leg.

Contraindications: injuries of the knee joints, spine, back of the thigh.

Lizard pose


  • From the position of the lower lunge on the right foot, take the right foot slightly to the right, lower the body in a bend to the floor so that the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor and the body.
  • Place your left knee on the mat, pushing it back slightly. You can place a plaid blanket under your knee for comfort.
  • After smoothly lowering your pelvis, step forward with your arms, straightening your back and neck and pulling your shoulders back. Fix the body position if there is already enough tension here. Take five even breaths in and out.
  • To get into a deeper position, bend your arms at the elbows and lower yourself onto your forearms. Make sure your back is straight and your chest is open. Stretch forward with the top of your head, lower your shoulders down and look in front of you.
  • To complicate asana – take the knee off the floor.
  • Straighten your arms, return to the starting position. Repeat on the left leg.

Contraindications: pinched nerves in the lower spine, umbilical and inguinal hernia, injuries to the hip joints.

Bend to straight legs sitting

Execution technique:

  • Sit on the floor with a straight back and straight legs. You can help yourself with your hands to pull your gluteal muscles away to sit on your sciatic bones. Tighten your kneecaps, with your feet pointing toward you. Your back is stretched upward and forms a right angle with your legs.
  • With an inhalation raise your arms up, stretch the body as much as possible and with an exhalation go into an incline, pull the diaphragm to the hips, do not round the back, make a grip on the feet and smoothly descend lower. If during the deepening of the inclination you feel that your back begins to slouch, and the shoulders rise and clamp the neck, it means that you need to go back a little and tuck your knees, stay in this variant.
  • Once you have assumed the position available to you, stay in the pose, trying to relax completely. Do 5-10 breathing cycles.
  • With an inhalation, rise and assume the starting position.

Contraindications: back injuries, hernias in the lumbar region, asthma, inflammation of internal organs in the acute stage.

Head on the knee

Technique of execution:

  • Sit on the floor with a straight back and straight legs. Bend the left leg in the knee and take it to the left, lowering the outer side of the left thigh and shin to the floor. Press the left foot against the inside of the right thigh at the crotch.
  • With an inhalation, extend your arms upward, lengthening the body, with an exhalation reach your hands to the right foot, grasp it with the palms of your hands. If the straight leg grip is not yet available, tuck the knee of the right leg. Remain in this position for five breathing cycles.
  • As you inhale, lift your head and torso, straighten your arms at the elbows and direct your gaze upward. Straighten the leg at the knee and return to the starting position. Repeat the asana on the other side.

Contraindications: knee injuries, asthma.

Butterfly pose


  • Sit on the floor with a straight back and straight legs. Bend your knees, bring your feet together. Holding the feet with your hands, move your hips up and down with a small amplitude for 30 seconds.
  • With an exhalation, bring your knees apart and go into a bend with a straight back. Help yourself with your elbows. Strive to put your knees on the floor, reach for your feet with your diaphragm. Hold for five breathing cycles.
  • On an inhalation, rise up and return to the starting position.

Contraindications: with caution in case of knee injuries.

Knee to shoulder

Execution technique:

  • Lie on your back with your feet pointing upwards. As you exhale, pull your right knee towards your shoulder, grasp it with your hands, helping to press it more firmly against your shoulder.
  • Make sure your shoulders are on the floor. Hold in this position for five breathing cycles.
  • Release the grip, straighten the right leg. Repeat on the left leg.

Contraindications: with caution for knee injuries.

Happy child’s pose


  • Lie on your back, press your lower back against the mat, pull your feet toward you.
  • As you inhale, pull your knees up to your stomach, grasp the outer edges of your feet with your palms. Spread your knees wider and slowly and gently pull your knees toward your armpits.
  • The feet point toward the ceiling. The tailbone is pressed against the mat. Stay in this position and take five deep inhalations and exhalations. You can gently sway from side to side like a happy child.
  • As you exhale, release the grip and extend your legs.

Contraindications: neck, lumbar injuries, pregnancy.

Dead man’s pose


  • Lie down on the mat. Leave more than 5 cm between the heels. Allow your legs to relax completely. Hands lie along the body without touching it, palms looking up. Eyes closed.
  • Take a deep breath and with an exhalation relax the whole body.
  • In this position begin to mentally pass attention to each part of the body, relaxing it. Breathing is even and calm.
  • Gently open your eyes, bend your right knee and roll to your right side. Helping yourself with your right hand, move to a sitting position.

Contraindications: none.

Perhaps no athletes need yoga as much as runners. The practice helps to effectively relieve tension in the points that are most stressed by running. These two sports complement each other perfectly, expanding the possibilities in running.

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