A nutritionist has named a low-calorie product that speeds up metabolism

Quinoa (Latin: Chenopōdium quīnoa) or Quinoa or Kīnwa (Quechua kinwa) is a bread grain crop belonging to the pseudo-grains (often replacing cereals in dishes), a plant of the amaranth family (seeds of the same family as beets, chard, and spinach), a bread grain crop.

Julia Myasoedova

certified nutritional nutritionist, member of the international association of nutritional therapists

“Quinoa grains resemble buckwheat, but differ in color. Thus, in terms of color, it comes in three types: beige, red and black. It should not be stored in the bag you bought it in. It is better to put it in a glass or ceramic jar with a sealed lid.

What are the benefits of quinoa?

The daily norm of a cooked dish is 100-200 g. Boiled quinoa tastes similar to unshelled rice.

100 g of quinoa contains:

  • calories – 143 kcal;
  • proteins – 5 g;
  • fats – 2.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 26.3 g;
  • fiber – 2.8 g;
  • iron – 3.54 mg;
  • calcium – 24 mg;
  • magnesium – 197 mg.

The glycemic index of the cereal is considered low and is 40-50 GI.

In general, taking into account all the characteristics of quinoa, you can call it dietary: it has few calories, but a lot of vitamins and useful nutrients.

Who should include in the diet

Quinoa is good for athletes because of its high protein content and for pregnant women because of its beneficial properties. The grains are also gluten-free, which is important for people diagnosed with gluten intolerance.

The main benefit of the product is that it is an excellent source of plant-based whole protein, while being perfectly digestible.

Numerous studies show that quinoa contains antioxidants, improves metabolism, and is also useful for heart disease. The product also contains iron, magnesium, vitamin E, folic acid, quercetin, kaempferol (a natural flavonol) and fiber.

Due to its composition, this product is primarily necessary for the formation of a healthy and strong body, from the bones to the internal organs. Constant consumption helps to strengthen the bones, which means getting rid of many diseases, for example, arthritis, which is important for the elderly.

Constant consumption of quinoa reduces sugar levels, prevents the development of cardiovascular disease, protects against anemia.

Specialists recommend using quinoa for nutrition for pregnant and lactating women, but after consulting a doctor. When breastfeeding, they recommend introducing the product into the diet with caution, watching the reaction of the child.

Are there contraindications

Like any other product of plant origin, quinoa can provoke an allergic reaction. The cereal contains oxalates and saponins – substances that can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney dysfunction and aggravate gout. You should minimize its consumption and children under two to three years old.

People with kidney stones should completely exclude quinoa from their diet.

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