Just 10 minutes a day for a dream figure. Vigorous interval training without equipment

Just 10 minutes a day for a dream figure. Vigorous interval training without equipment

Interval training for weight loss for 10 minutes

Fat burning is not the only benefit of such exercises.

Intense interval training is a real masthead for those who want to tighten their figure and lose weight. They do not take a lot of time, and you can do them with your own weight. After all, the body receives sufficient physical load and without weights.

Thanks to such training, you will not only become slimmer, but also pump your basic physical qualities – strength, endurance and speed. Also, by increasing your heart rate, your metabolism will speed up.

Remember that only training can bring some results, but one of the most important components of a beautiful body is nutrition. Don’t forget to eat a balanced diet, drink enough water and recover well after workouts.

Today, together with professional athlete Ekaterina Makarova, we have prepared a simple but very energy-consuming interval workout. Do a light warm-up, turn on the video, and let’s go!

Important! Intensive training is very stressful for the body. If there are any contraindications, consult a doctor before you start exercising.

Read about an interesting method of nutrition for weight loss at the link.
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