Recently, in an interview with Rambler News Service, the country’s chief TV doctor Elena Malysheva said that nature seeks to get rid of women over 50 with the help of obesity. People of age are supposedly not needed by nature, and it comes up with its own mechanisms to get rid of them. One of these is overeating. Jokes are jokes, but there is some sense in it. We’ve collected a few more tips from the famous show that you can use.
Don’t overeat
Let’s start with the same and find out what is sensible in this advice. The TV host emphasized that there are twice as many women over 50 who are obese than men. This is due to the lack of testosterone in women, which is the main fat-burning hormone.
Men have much more muscle mass than women, and muscle is the main place where fat is burned. It is in the muscles that the fat burning factories, the mitochondria, are located.
In addition, there are two other important stages in women’s lives when they are most susceptible to obesity. The first is associated with the period after childbirth, and the second – with menopause. During these periods, the hormonal status of the fair sex changes, because of which their body is much worse at coping with excess weight.
Do not rely on sports
“At the expense of sports, all calories will burn off,” – believe many thinning people. And this is partly true, but it is worth remembering the caloric content of, for example, a cheese sandwich (350 kcal), which is burned in one intense workout. But that’s just the sandwich, what about the piece of cake you ate afterwards? Sport is undoubtedly an important thing, but while sticking to your goal, don’t forget about nutrition.
Malysheva advises in the fight against daily stress to use skin to skin contact more often, which will minimize all worries. This method has a fairly well-reasoned position – it is a reflex left to us from the intrauterine part of life.
Break dishes
Intensive exercise, brisk walking, Nordic walking along the coast or park, swimming, jogging with accelerations will also help with stress. If it is impossible or your physical form does not allow, you need at least some muscular activity to release emotions: punch a pillow or a punching bag, tear newspapers, break dishes, do 10 squats, go up to your apartment not on the elevator, but on foot on the stairs; at least shout – not at your loved ones, but into an empty glass jar.
Go to the bathhouse!
It turned out that when visiting a bathhouse, the human body produces proteins that were first called heat shock proteins, and then stress proteins. Being in the vessels, they detect cancer cells in the blood, join them and drag them to the killer cells macrophages, which simply devour them. In addition, these stress proteins produce a special substance that fights inflammation in the body.
Don’t sleep longer than 7 hours
Recent scientific studies have shown that normal and sufficient sleep for an adult is between 4.5 and 7 hours. If you sleep more than 7 hours, then the risks of various diseases increase. Elena advises not to sleep through life, but under-sleep is also not to the point.
Be optimistic
Malysheva tells: “Israeli scientists have come to the conclusion that a positive outlook on life prolongs the life of patients who have had a heart attack.” Indeed, according to numerous studies, it is optimism that helps to recover faster after illness. Earlier scientists from Great Britain showed that a second heart attack in people who have a positive attitude to life occurs much less often.