“Lose weight on the treadmill” and the other 7 myths about cardio workouts

Cardio workouts are popular among fitness enthusiasts. But a lot of myths have formed around such exercises, which many people willingly believe. Some of them not only negatively affect the effectiveness of training, but can also harm your health. Together with World Class trainer Stanislav Vakhrushev we analyze the most common misconceptions.

Provoke heart problems

There is a myth that cardio workouts heavily load the heart and are potentially dangerous even for people who have no problems with it. What caused this misconception to arise? Cardio does speed up the heartbeat and breathing rate, just like other forms of exercise. Problems in old age can arise from excessive exercise, no matter whether it is cardio or strength training – everything must be moderated.

You need to alternate with strength training

Many people think that it is better to run one day and pull weights the next: the first day we train breathing, the second day we train muscles. However, the expert does not agree with this.

Stanislav: It is better to combine cardio training with strength training. A classic example is cardio after strength training, because in the first 30-40 minutes, mainly glycogen is consumed, and then fatty acids.

The best time for cardio training is in the morning on an empty stomach

There is a belief that the timing of an exercise determines its effectiveness. With some types of exercise this is indeed true, but not with cardio. Everyone chooses for himself a convenient time, and an empty stomach will not have a positive effect on the result.

The most effective way to lose weight

Probably, this judgment arose due to the fact that during cardio workouts fatty acids are burned. In fact, the most effective way to lose weight is a balanced diet, 90% strength training and 10% cardio. Overall, there is no activity that is 100% universal key to weight loss.

Muscle soreness is a good sign

Many people like to work out until their muscles are sore, so they can feel the “magnitude” of the work done for a couple days afterward. Some people consider the feeling of pain as a signal to stop training.

Stanislav: Severe muscle pain – or crepature – indicates microtrauma of fibers. It can be the result of several factors at once: excessive load after a break or a new exercise, an unfamiliar load. Crepatura is as unnecessary after training as its absence. One day you may feel pain and the next day you may not.

Cardio is exercise machines and running

Running and exercising on exercise machines are indeed some of the most common types of cardio workouts, but not the only ones. In general, as the expert says, cardio is any activity with a moderate load in an aerobic mode, that is, involving oxygen, without acidifying the muscles. Skiing, walking, swimming, aqua aerobics, soccer, dancing – all this is cardio training.

A versatile activity

Many people assume that cardio is an activity for anyone. There’s a wide range of options, and many exercises are fairly easy to perform. But, as with any physical activity, there are contraindications here too.

Stanislav: Of course, it is better to consult a doctor first, because everything is very individual. For example, cardio is probably contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases.

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