Nutriciologist named 5 foods that provoke edema

Nata Gonchar

President of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches (ANKZ)

What foods trigger puffiness?

Woke up again with puffiness on your face and could hardly open your eyes? It’s time to reevaluate your diet, you may be abusing water retaining provocateur foods.

As a rule, morning puffiness does not bring significant physical discomfort, but spoil the appearance and mood. Especially for women who strive to always look radiant. A puffy face and dandy eyes can not only signal nutritional errors, but also speak of serious health problems, such as:

  • lymphatic stasis;
  • increased capillary permeability;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • hormone imbalances;
  • impaired insulin sensitivity.

If you often notice swelling of the face, as well as hands and feet, you should consult a specialist for advice.

About five ways to remove excess water from the body – read in the article at the link.

Violation of the regime of the day and improper nutrition – the most common causes of edema. Water is retained in the body due to lack of sleep, abundance of salt, dehydration and excessive use of five provocateur products.


Rich in minerals and resistant starch, which improves intestinal peristalsis and satisfies hunger. However, it is also capable of retaining fluid in the body, thereby causing edema. Therefore, you should not eat potatoes for dinner, it is better to cook them for lunch.


They have a high content of solanine, which provokes the appearance of puffiness on the face. In general, nightshades (which include tomatoes) should be consumed in moderation, because solanine is toxic and can cause poisoning.

Therefore, tomatoes should be soaked in cold water before eating. Solanine is almost completely destroyed by heat treatment, that is, stewed or pasted tomatoes in a salad will be more useful than fresh ones.

Pickles and preserves

Homemade pickles and canned vegetables from the store are record breakers in salt content. It can naturally retain water in the body, so you don’t want to get carried away with pickles during your evening meal. Canned fish, corn and peas, and salty sauces lead to edema.

Fast food and snacks

Nuts, toast, chips and even meat burgers are sources of monosodium glutamate and salt. If you indulge in fast food in the evening or eat a bag of chips to watch a TV show, expect a puffy face and a gain on the scale in the morning. Don’t worry, you haven’t gained an extra pound of fat – it’s swelling and retained water.

Dairy products

Consuming kefir at night is not as beneficial as people say it is. After all, milk sugar can retain water and provoke edema. If you want something dairy for dinner, it is better to drink almond, oat or soy milk, eat coconut yogurt.

The basis of health is adequate water intake. Lack of water in the body also causes swelling. To prevent dehydration and swelling as a consequence, try to drink enough water every day. You can calculate your water intake according to the formula 30 ml of water per 1 kg of adult weight.

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