What can you replace an hour of running with? 6 activities that will burn the same amount of calories

Minus temperature outside the window has put many people in a deadlock: you want to run, but it’s cold outside. The vagaries of the weather – mud and slush underfoot – all this completely discourages the desire to exercise outdoors. But there are many other alternatives to running – let’s talk about them.

How many calories can you burn while running?

Natalia Rudakova

trainer, teacher of the Association of Health Industry Professionals, PhD in Biological Sciences

Many people consider running to be one of the most convenient ways to lose weight. And this is really true – for such a workout does not require special equipment and space. During jogging, the heart is well trained and many calories are burned. Exactly how many depends on the speed of running, the presence of rest intervals within the workout, the weight of the runner and even weather conditions. If we take an average figure, then running at an average speed of 8-9 km / h burns for an hour 400-500 kcal. There is a disadvantage – this sport is not suitable for everyone and is contraindicated, for example, with osteochondrosis, epilepsy and obesity.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, founder and coach of the running club ERA

Rowing involves cyclic exercises that primarily develop general endurance, i.e. the ability to perform work of low and medium intensity for a long time. General endurance is ensured, on the one hand, by the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver the necessary amount of oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles. On the other hand, the ability of the muscles to utilize this oxygen for the energy supply of muscle work.

Circuit training

Another great way to spend about 550 kcal with benefits for the whole body. Circuit training involves not very heavy exercises that involve large muscle groups (legs, back, chest) and are performed alternately with minimal breaks over a long period of time. The complex can be performed both in the gym with additional equipment and at home. It includes 4-8 functional exercises, which are performed in 3-6 cycles. The exercise trains not only the heart, but also develops endurance.

We suggest trying the complex from Alexander Elkonin:

  • warm-up – joint gymnastics;
  • 10 jumps out of a deep squat;
  • 10 squats (keep your heels on the floor, knees pointing to the same place as your toes);
  • 10 push-ups from a high support or from the knees;
  • 10 pull-ups on a low bar (TRX, rope, sling – fix it in the doorway over the door leaf);
  • toe raises on one leg, 20 times on each leg;
  • torso flexion from lying on the press, 15 times;
  • running on the spot in a stop (put your hands on the wall, lean forward, run on the spot with a high hip extension).

Repeat in this order four times with minimal pauses: up to 30 seconds between approaches, up to two minutes between rounds.

Saikle Hour

This is an intense cardio workout on exercise bikes (bikes), during which calorie consumption reaches 400-500 per hour. At such a session, you don’t just pedal around, but manage to do push-ups from the handlebars and climb uphill. There is no shock load on the joints of the legs, as in running, and the element of competition in saikle studios motivates to give 100%.

Climbing stairs for an hour

Stairs can be staggered or sprinted up the stairs, jumping up the steps. Running down stairs quickly is a good coordination exercise. For an hour you can burn about 400-500 kcal. But do not forget that any workout should start with warm-up – 10-15 minutes of light work to warm up and get into a steady rhythm of free deep breathing. And end with a warm-up – 5-10 minutes of very light work on calm breathing.

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