What happens to the body if you eat carrots every day?

Did you know that such a common and widespread vegetable as carrots is a unique product?
In addition to the property known from childhood “for sharp eyesight”, carrots are a rich source of valuable vitamins and other substances that regulate the internal systems of the body. This makes it useful in the treatment of diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach, as well as in the loss of strength (chronic fatigue syndrome) and impaired potency. Orange root vegetable is actively used not only in the food industry, but also in medicine. The experts of the International Festival of Health and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM: Vladimir Nekrasov, a doctor of the highest category in the field of laboratory diagnostics, and Alisa Baltsevich, the head of AGreen Altai Agroecological Company, tell us more about it.

What is valuable in the composition of carrots?

Carrots are among the common foodstuffs that can be found in the composition of dishes on the dinner table of any family. At the same time, the root vegetable is a source of valuable nutrients.

The following components are present in the composition of carrots:

  • Carotene – getting into the body, transformed into vitamin A, supports the normal functioning of epithelial cells, normalizes reproductive functions and vision.

The red color of carrots depends on the presence of beta-carotene in it: the more it is, the brighter and more useful carrots. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A and has powerful antioxidant, adaptogenic and immune-stimulating properties.

  • Biotin is one of the most important vitamins for growth, including cell growth and renewal. Participates in vital processes in the body: metabolism of amino acids and proteins.
  • Pantothenic and folic acids – have antianemic and antidermatitic properties.
  • Vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, E, K and PP – involved in the regulation of many processes in the body.
  • Phytoncides – natural antibiotics that inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Essential oils – have antioxidant and antitumor activity.
  • Minerals: potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium and iodine – vital components for the normal functioning of the body. They are not synthesized by the body itself and come only with food.

And this is not a complete list of valuable substances.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that carrots contain flavonoids. One of the important flavonoids isolated from carrots – daucarin – is prescribed for chronic coronary insufficiency, atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.
Only plants can produce these substances, they do not accumulate in the body, so they must be consumed with foods daily.

How does the consumption of carrots affect the human body?

This vegetable prevents the formation of tartar and helps strengthen the gums, prevents the development of malignant processes, increases the body’s defense functions, stimulates the immune system, helps eliminate intestinal dysbiosis, reduces blood pressure, prevents the leaching of calcium from the bones, is useful for the prevention of anemia.

Carrots have a diuretic and laxative effect. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended for chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In modern dietetics, the vegetable is especially appreciated for its nutritional properties, low calorie content and fiber content, which promotes digestion and normalization of metabolism. Fiber promotes timely emptying of the intestines, it is recommended for people suffering from frequent constipation.

What carrots are useful for men?

The consumption of carrots has a positive effect on the male sexual system. It reduces blood sugar levels, against which the function of the endocrine system is restored. Additionally, the elimination of harmful cholesterol is accelerated. Exceeding its permissible value is fraught with poor permeability of vessels in the pelvic area, because of which there are problems with potency.

Common myths about carrots and their properties

There are many myths that relate to the usefulness of carrots for humans. So, the most common among them:

  • There is a lot of sugar in carrots, so it is harmful to health. In fact, this substance in the composition of the vegetable is in moderate quantities. In addition, its other components, on the contrary, contribute to lowering blood sugar.
  • Large carrots are healthier. On the contrary, the larger the root vegetable, the higher the probability that during its cultivation a shocking portion of nitrates was used.
  • The root vegetable is equally beneficial for all people. In fact, its use should be refused to patients with ulcerative lesions of the intestine, diarrhea and acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

It should also be remembered that carrots can be a potential allergen (due to the proteins they contain). Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of disorders of the digestive and respiratory systems, skin reactions (dermatitis, itching).

Features of cooking, selection and storage of carrots

Carrot fruits are used during the preparation of first and second dishes, side dishes and desserts. It acts as a fragrant spice, which tints the taste qualities of the other ingredients.
When choosing a vegetable, it is worth adhering to some recommendations:

  • A quality vegetable has a smooth surface and a bright hue;
  • the root vegetable should be firm, without obvious damage;
  • in a good product, the area between the haulm and the fruit is characterized by a bright green color.

It is recommended to store the fresh vegetable in the refrigerator or other cool place at a temperature of 0 to -5 degrees. In this form, it retains its freshness for several months.

What happens if you eat carrots every day?

Researchers at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research have proven that carrots reduce the risk of heart attack by a third.
Scottish scientists have confirmed the hypothesis that the root vegetable reduces the level of cholesterol in the body by an average of 11% if consumed 200 g. in raw form for three weeks.

The vegetable reduces the likelihood of lung cancer by 40%, as it contains beta-carotene. It is enough to get it in the amount of 1.7 to 2.7 mg per day to achieve this result. This conclusion was reached by British scientists.

It is important to remember that everything needs a measure and you should not get carried away with the absorption of carrots in large quantities. When eating it is important to combine the vegetable with fats, because the carotenoids contained are fat-soluble and are digested only in the presence of fats (vegetable oils, sour cream).

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