3 reasons why you can’t do push-ups properly and a lot of them
Keep these nuances in mind and the exercise will lend itself to you very soon.
Fitness tréner
Why can’t you do push-ups and what to do about it?
Push-ups are a basic exercise that pumps the upper body. It trains the pectoral muscles, triceps, shoulders, anterior cogs and abs. However, some people can’t do push-ups no matter how much they practice them.
What is important to know about push-ups
The main nuances in this exercise are the angle of bending and the direction of your elbows. When you go too low, the shoulder joints get overloaded. This is how you “kill” the shoulder cuff. Elbows should be slightly pressed against the body, and their angle at the bottom point should be 90 degrees.
What are good push-ups
- Nie je potrebné žiadne špeciálne vybavenie.
- Riziko zranenia je minimálne.
- Several muscle groups work.
- Effective for beginners and high-level athletes.
- Výsledky sú viditeľné už v prvom mesiaci tréningu.
- Posilňuje kardiovaskulárny systém.
- Zvyšuje rýchlosť nárazu.
- Endurance increases.
What prevents you from doing push-ups correctly and a lot of push-ups
You don’t know how to arch and lower your shoulder blades. The shoulder blades are small flat bones on the back to which 17 muscles attach. One of the functions of the shoulder blades is retraction, which means pulling them down and bringing them together.
First, being able to bring the shoulder blades together and down makes the exercise easier to perform. The upper body structure becomes stiffer due to retraction, because a large number of muscles are involved in the work. Secondly, retraction fixes the humerus in the joint and protects it from injury. These can occur if the humerus is too mobile. Injuries manifest themselves after time and require long rehabilitation.
How to check retraction
- Stand with a straight back, eyes facing forward.
- Bring your chest forward and bring your shoulder blades together and down. The shoulders should not come up to the ears.
- Control this position. Your shoulder blades should remain in this position throughout the exercise.
You have weak triceps. Weak triceps will not allow you to do push-ups, because they are responsible for the extension of the arms when lifting to the top point. Pay attention to exercises that will make your triceps stronger.
Nadváha. You have gained weight at which the muscles cannot do their job effectively. Adjust your lifestyle. Perhaps those extra 3-5 pounds are preventing you from doing push-ups.
Read more about what mistakes we often make when doing push-ups here.