5 chair exercises that will replace a gym workout

The office chair is not your worst enemy if you use it wisely. Let us tell you about a few exercises that will help you tone up your body. From the inventory – only the very same chair.


Východisková pozícia: sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, back straight, pulled away from the backrest.

Bend your arms at the elbows behind your head. Perform twists alternately: from the left elbow to the right knee and from the right elbow to the left knee. Do 15 movements for each side, this is enough for a good result!

Zdvihy nôh

Východisková pozícia: sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, back straight, off the backrest.

With your hands on the edges of the chair, lift your legs bent at the knees to your chest. Important – try not to pull your knees away from each other, so the exercise will be more effective.

Reverzné kliky

Východisková pozícia: turn your back to the chair. Leaning on your arms, bring the body forward. Legs bent at the knees, back straight.

Bend your arms at the elbows, performing so-called reverse push-ups. Do not tilt your head back, otherwise the exercise may not be safe. Observance of technique is the key to success. Perform 25 repetitions.


Východisková pozícia: face the chair, arms straight, support on the edge of the chair. The body is straight, keep a “single line”.

Begin push-ups. Bend the arms at the elbows, spreading them apart. Watch the position of the body – it is very important not to allow unnecessary bending in the lower back, as well as not to lower the head to the chest.

A little hint: imagine that you are pulling your chest to the surface of the chair – this makes it much easier to perform the exercise. Perform 25 push-ups.

Hýžďový most

Východisková pozícia: lying on your back, place one leg bent at the knee on a chair.

The second leg is straight, with the foot looking at the ceiling. Arms stretched along the body.
Leaning your heel into the chair, begin to lift the body. Feel that your buttocks are working at full force. Be sure to make sure that the lifts are done by pushing from the heel and not from the lower back. Do 20 repetitions for each leg.

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