7 effective leg exercises you can do on stairs

7 effective leg exercises you can do on the stairs

Ladder workout

It will take you no more than 10 minutes to workout.

When sports grounds are busy or bored, you have to look for other places to work out. One option is the stairs. Steps are all around us everywhere, and you can benefit from them.

Sergej Kuzminský

Tréner behu a fitnes tréner svetovej triedy

The main feature of a staircase workout is the height difference. This allows you to vary the load all the time, being on different steps, jumping between them. During exercises you can use all muscle groups.



  • Stand facing the stairs, place one foot on the step.
  • Perform a jump, changing legs in the air.
  • Vykonajte cvičenie v dynamike.

Perform it for 30-40 seconds.

Jumping from two legs


  • Stand facing the stairs, feet at pelvic width.
  • Do a small squat and jump on the step above.
  • If your physical fitness allows, jump over several steps.

Perform the exercise for 40-60 seconds.

Jumping on one leg


  • Stand on one leg, the other bend and fix it in this position.
  • As you exhale, jump one step higher. Try not to touch the floor with the bent leg.
  • Vykonajte cvičenie v dynamike.

Perform the exercise for 20-40 seconds for each leg.



  • Stand in a plank on straight arms.
  • Move upward, alternately moving your arms and legs.
  • You can do this exercise upwards or downwards.

Do this exercise for 40-60 seconds.

Squats + push-ups from steps


  • Stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Perform a squat. Then immediately lean on the step with your hands, transferring your weight to them.
  • Perform push-ups.
  • Move back to the squat and do it all over again.

Perform the exercise for 40-60 seconds.

Side squat on one leg

Technika vykonávania

  • Stand sideways to the stairs, place one leg a couple of steps higher.
  • Perform a squat on the supporting leg.
  • Vráťte sa do východiskovej polohy.

Perform the exercise for 30-40 seconds for each leg.

Exercise on the stairs is not recommended for people with ankle, knee, hip injuries. If you feel discomfort during exercise, you need to look for an alternative. Do not exercise through pain.

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