cardiologist, FNACC FMBA of Russia
The human heart is a hollow muscular organ that performs a circulating function. Myocardial contractions (systole) and relaxations (diastole) provide blood supply to the body. In an average minute, the heart contracts approximately 70 times and pumps about 4-5 liters of blood per minute. With increased physical exertion, these figures can reach 30 liters.
Physiological aging of the heart, as well as of the organism as a whole, is a natural and regular process, which is influenced by factors beyond human control – age, sex and heredity. However, there is premature (accelerated) aging.
The mechanism of age-related changes is triggered by various internal and external circumstances that can and should be controlled.
The first aging processes start as early as 25-30 years old.
In this case, the human body, as a rule, ages unevenly. Despite the fact that the heart is the most enduring muscle of the body, often the degree of wear and tear of the myocardium and blood vessels significantly exceeds the age. This is primarily due to the fact that the cardiovascular system is more susceptible to the negative effects of lifestyle factors.
In addition, as we age, blood vessels become stiffer, so the heart requires more effort to pump blood. Over the years, the muscle fibers of the heart muscle gradually die off and are replaced by connective tissue. This causes the wall thickness and volume of the heart chambers (ventricles and atria) to increase.
Body features
The sex of a person determines the rate of myocardial aging. Men’s heart muscle is about two years older than their actual age. They are also more susceptible to developing cardiovascular disease.
If parents, siblings, grandparents or grandparents were diagnosed with vascular problems (myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden circulatory arrest) before the age of 65, then a person is at risk. It is important to note that after the age of 50, the likelihood of heart and vascular disease increases in both women and men, as the rate of aging of the heart increases.
Harmful habits
An additional year or two years to the age of the heart is added by tobacco. If a person smokes one pack of cigarettes a day for 10 years, it wears out the heart by a year, if a person smokes more than 10 years and more than one pack of cigarettes a day – by two years. Regular secondhand smoke among other things increases the risk of heart problems at a young age.
Carcinogenic substances contained in tobacco smoke poison the body in 21 seconds. A pernicious habit contributes to the development of hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction and other dangerous pathologies.
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Another trigger for premature aging of the heart. Especially destructive excessive salt intake, as sodium chloride causes fluid retention in the body, against which increases blood pressure.
With high blood pressure myocardium works under great stress, trying to stabilize the state. And overload on the heart leads to premature wear and tear.
Frequent errors in nutrition are closely associated with the development of obesity, which is also a risk factor for accelerated aging of the heart. If a person’s body mass index (BMI) is between 25 and 30, the heart will be older by about a year, if the BMI is above 30 – by two years.
The reason for this is the high level of cholesterol in the blood of overweight people. Under the influence of these factors, cholesterol plaques begin to form in the walls of blood vessels, which prevent the normal flow of blood and cause myocardial dysfunction.
Violation of sleep patterns
Extremely negatively on the work of the heart is reflected in the lack of night rest. In sleep, a person’s heart rate decreases and blood pressure decreases, so that the myocardium can stay in a relaxed state longer.
Inadequate or short sleep and lack of rest causes the heart to work at full capacity for longer periods of time.
Lack of activity
Lack of exercise is also bad for the heart muscle. It is important to realize that the heart is a muscular organ. And it, like any other muscle, needs exercise to stay toned.
Chronic diseases
Related chronic diseases, depending on the stage and nature of the course, can “age” the heart by one or two years. Among them, for example:
- diabetes mellitus;
- kidney pathologies;
- hypertenzia;
- autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
How to slow heart aging
In order to prevent premature aging of the heart, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules. First of all, you should be on the move and exercise as much as possible. It is not necessary to run Olympic distances or go to the gym every day. It is enough to visit the swimming pool, ride a bicycle, walk briskly in the park or do gymnastics a few times a week.
Of course, you should give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. The daily diet should be enriched with foods rich in potassium and magnesium. The largest amount of minerals is contained in legumes, greens, avocados, potatoes, nuts, dried fruits and bananas.
It is very important to monitor your BMI and avoid developing obesity. It is also recommended to avoid stressful situations and take care of your mental health. After all, stress has a detrimental effect on all body systems, including the heart.
People with a hereditary predisposition to cardiovascular diseases or suffering from other chronic pathologies should undergo regular cardiologic examinations to monitor changes in the heart and timely identify health-threatening conditions.