“Not everyone can evaluate themselves, their abilities, skills objectively. Some people significantly underestimate the importance of personal achievements for various reasons. This attitude eventually leads to devaluation of oneself. How to notice this tendency in time? What are the signs of its growth?”.
1. You are biased towards your own successes
Have you ever noticed that you have completed all the necessary items for a task, but you are still dissatisfied with your work? Or you don’t consider yourself good even if the plan is done 100%, because you could have tried 150%….
Get rid of such thoughts. Start focusing on results. There is no such thing as a perfect job, so it is important to evaluate all your efforts and praise yourself for it.
2. You immediately consider yourself a loser or untalented
This point is easy to see in a work environment. For example, you have sent a client a finished project or presentation and you are already thinking in your head that you will be scolded for it. And at the same time, if the feedback was positive and you were even praised, you consider it a mere coincidence.
Such people don’t have the realization that they can be talented professionals through effort and skill.
The imposter syndrome prevents you from developing further. It is important to learn to switch from expectations to results. When you send your work for a grade, just wait for a response and don’t make up negative scenarios in your head. When you are praised, simply say, “Thank you, I tried my best.” And most importantly, trust yourself.
3. You turn down interesting offers
People who are used to devaluing themselves often refuse promising projects for fear that they won’t realize anything or won’t be able to do it. By not trying anything yet and not figuring it out, you are setting yourself up for failure.
If you often get rejected, try changing the attitude in your head next time. You can start by saying, “I’ll give it a try.” This is already a big step to improve your self-esteem. You will never know what mountains you can conquer if you stay at home.
4. You settle for less
This point is mostly about work and relationships. For example, you are a talented fashion designer, but you are afraid to increase the cost of services or start working with famous people. You are afraid that new prices will cause clients to immediately turn away from you or someone will laugh at your work.
It’s the same in relationships. You may be paired with a good person for a long time, but the love is gone. And you are afraid to take a bold step to improve your life and build a union where there will be a lot of bright emotions.
Realize that you are worthy of more than just “good”. Do not be afraid to develop yourself, strive to increase your comfort level. Gradual personal and career growth gives a good and strong basis for adequate self-esteem.
5. You spend little time and money on yourself
This is not about mercantilism and selfishness. Impairment causes you to downgrade the importance of your needs in favor of others. Someone else’s health, comfort, safety, food, education may be more important than your own. This is not the way to do it.
Learn to take care of yourself first. Buy things that inspire you, make you happy, motivate you, improve you, develop you. Do not deprive yourself of gifts – a little praise for your efforts and endeavors.
You can work through self-value on your own, acting step by step and confidently. Therapy with a specialist who will remove the internal blocks that prevent you from enjoying the results of your efforts is also effective.