Accidentally swallowed a piece of glass with his food. The doctor told me what would happen

Accidentally swallowed a piece of glass with his food. The doctor told me what would happen

Rustem Sadykov

Rustem Sadykov

What happens if you accidentally swallow glass

You may not even notice it.

Swallowing glass the size of a crumb is a fairly common situation. And often the particle comes out without digestion within a day, maximum – two.

Rustem Sadykov

Doctor of nutritionist, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences, clinical pharmacologist

If throughout the day you do not feel any symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. However, in the case of pain in the abdomen, stomach, it is better to consult a doctor. Danger arises when the glass gets stuck in the gatekeeper (the farthest part of the stomach, which connects to the duodenum). The help of an endoscopist may then be needed.

Swallowing a large, sharp piece of glass can cause serious injury or damage to the digestive system. Glass can tear or puncture the throat, esophagus, or stomach and cause bleeding, infection, or blockage of the digestive tract.

Symptoms such as pain or discomfort when swallowing, blood in the feces, or vomiting may indicate that the particle has caused damage. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the glass and repair any damage.

The doctor may recommend a series of x-rays or endoscopy to locate the glass and determine if it has caused any damage.

If it is determined that the glass caused the injury, treatment options may include antibiotics to prevent infection, medication to control pain and inflammation, or surgery to remove the glass and repair any damage.

A previous piece explained what happens if stitches are not removed in time.
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