Always toned: How to keep your skin firm

You can tell a lot about a person’s health by the condition of their skin. And taking care of it requires no less serious approach than a training or nutrition plan. With age, it starts to lose tone and elasticity, becomes weaker and appears less dense. How to properly maintain it and prevent negative changes, tells dermatologist Maria Vasilieva.

What is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin?

Elasticity and elasticity of the skin depends on such proteins as collagen and elastin. They are synthesized by special cells-fibroblasts. As we age, they begin to work more slowly and the skin is no longer able to produce enough of the proteins needed to maintain youthfulness and tone. Especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun and don’t use products with SPF.

Why do I need to protect my skin from the sun’s rays?

During sun exposure, collagen (to a greater extent) and elastin fibers in the skin are destroyed. Fibroblasts start working hard to repair the damage. Over time, they “wear out”, so it is very important to protect the skin from sun exposure in the first place, and already in the second – from moisture loss.

What is worth paying attention to and do creams help?

Special attention should be paid to drinking regimen and hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is considered one of the main components of the extracellular matrix (connective tissue), is able to attract and retain water, thereby ensuring the elasticity of the skin. It also prevents the evaporation of moisture on the surface and protects against environmental aggressors.

Hyaluronic acid is included in many creams, serums, and can also enter the body through injections and preparations enriched with vitamins.

However, rely solely on creams and other cosmetic products should not. As an independent product, they will not give the expected effect. In the case of the skin requires complex work: home care, taking special vitamin preparations, professional cosmetic procedures.

Dôležité! Before taking vitamins, it is worth consulting a specialist. In addition, you should choose cosmetic products exclusively according to your skin type.

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