Čo čaká ruský fitness priemysel? Hlavné trendy, dynamika vývoja a ceny
Development Director of 1C: Fitness Club More than 50% of Russians assess their lifestyle as healthy, according to the survey conducted by VTsIOM at the end of May
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Najlepšie cvičenie pre zadnú časť stehna. Naučiť sa vykonávať mŕtvy ťah
Hip pumping is an important part of the training process. Strong leg muscles support the balance of the body and make it fully developed. We will not get
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Tréner povedal, čo sú to fitness odporové pásy a ako s nimi cvičiť
The device we are going to talk about is a rubber or fabric band used for exercises on different muscle groups. The main advantage is the compactness of
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Cvičenie legendárneho amerického kulturistu. Čo sú príťahy Vince Gironda?
Vince Gironda is a once great American bodybuilder. He became famous and established himself in the history of world sports thanks to the special pull-up technique he developed
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Ako sa dostať na špagát za mesiac po 6-ročnej prestávke? Osobné skúsenosti
Stretching coach, owner of Stretch-TOP studio “My story began with my love for rhythmic gymnastics. As a child, I could easily do various exercises. On my way to
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Ako odstrániť zátylok na krku za 10 minút denne? Video návod od trénera s cvikmi
How to remove the withers on the neck in 10 minutes a day? Video instruction from a trainer with exercises Anastasia Lunegova July 8, 2023, 11:15 MSC Audio
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Dokonalý cvičebný stroj na napumpovanie bicepsov. Všetko, čo potrebujete vedieť o Scottovej lavičke
The Scott Bench is a narrowly focused exercise machine that mainly works the biceps. Its design is very simple: a seat that can be adjusted to the athlete’s
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Crossover je zázračný cvičebný stroj, na ktorom môžete trénovať takmer čokoľvek
Inability to use exercise equipment – this is the problem faced by most beginners who are bored with exercising at home. And now it’s time to try your
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Olympijské drepy: prečo sú také populárne a ako ich správne vykonávať?
Many people confuse Olympic squats with powerlifting squats. The main difference is that the former are more common, while the latter are specifically designed to lift as much
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5 najlepších cvikov na deltu zadného ramena s činkami. Cvičebné video
The shoulder muscles are made up of three heads – the anterior, middle and posterior delta. Each bundle of this muscle has its own important function. In this
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