The “Donkey” exercise is an unusual but effective way to work the calf muscles
Beautiful and pumped calves are not only about aesthetics, but also about strength and ease of walking. So this part of the body should be given special attention
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Vyzerá veľkolepo a napumpuje svaly celého tela. Všetko o cvičení "chameleón"
“Chameleon” in training! And no, we didn’t bring a lizard to the gym, that’s the name of the exercise. You don’t need to blend in with your surroundings,
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Tréner Egor Khodyrev ukázal, ako správne vykonávať predĺženie paže s činkou spoza hlavy
fitness trainer “The dumbbell arm curl from behind the head is an isolation exercise in strength training for triceps development that is a popular exercise in bodybuilding and
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Strečing pre začiatočníkov na každý deň. 10 účinných cvičení
Flexibility, ease of movement, muscle elasticity, mobility and plasticity – all this can be achieved with the help of stretching. But before you start a set of exercises,
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Kliky na kruhoch: všetko o jedinečnom cvičení pre superšportovcov
The world of sports is very diverse, so it is not uncommon for an exercise that is popular in one sport to be gradually adopted by other athletes
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Šport pre tých, ktorí chcú byť silní a milujú slobodu. Zoznámenie sa so streetliftingom
Streetlifting exists inextricably with the love of sport, with an irresistible desire to do it. After all, physical exercise is a passion. You do not need anything but
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Aký je rozdiel medzi jogou a pilatesom? Podrobné rozdelenie športových trendov
A beginner can easily get confused by different types of workouts, especially if the movements are similar. But you want to immediately understand the essence of the exercises
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Ako trénovať úchop doma a v posilňovni? Trénerské tipy, cvičenia
fitness trainer “Grip development helps to make the hands strong and beautiful. To do this, you need to perform special exercises and properly build the training process. A
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Ako sa naučiť robiť dvojité skoky na švihadle? Pokyny od trénera
Skipping rope is convenient, because you can use it both at home and outdoors. Despite the fact that many people know how to jump since school, jump rope
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Ako majú obézni ľudia cvičiť, aby si nepoškodili srdce a kĺby? Pokyny
The hardest step is the first one. It must be done correctly. Great excess weight affects not only appearance, but also health. Therefore, the weight loss plan, especially
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