Nerobte to: 7 škodlivých tipov, kvôli ktorým sa do fitness nezamilujete
It may seem surprising to some, but fitness should be fun. If you drag yourself to the gym like a hard labor, work off what you’ve eaten during
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Japonská gymnastika od Chiaki Fukuda: 3 jednoduché cviky pre štíhly pás
Japanese Gymnastics by Chiaki Fukuda: 3 simple exercises for a slim waistline Arina Zabgaeva October 12, 2020, 22:45 MSC How to achieve the same figure as the inhabitants
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Urobte si to sami: prečo nemusíte míňať peniaze na domáce fitnes zariadenia?
Do it yourself: why you don’t have to spend money on home fitness equipment? Tatiana Fedorishcheva October 16, 2020, 20:10 MSC And what you can replace sports equipment
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Pullover and Svend bench press: 5 most effective exercises for chest muscles
We continue to spend our weekends in a beneficial way. Every Saturday we publish videos in Instagram in which instructors from the World Class fitness center chain show
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Calves instead of dumbbells and meat diet: how did athletes train in ancient Greece?
Calves instead of dumbbells and meat diet: how did athletes train in ancient Greece? Julia Fedorova October 18, 2020, 20:10 MSC In antiquity, a lot of attention was
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No relief: 5 common mistakes in abs exercises
Abs are a cherished dream not only for many guys, but also for girls. It is not as easy to achieve a relief abdomen as it may seem
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Train like an NBA star: LeBron and Harden’s favorite exercises
Train like an NBA star: LeBron and Harden’s favorite exercises Arina Zabgaeva October 20, 2020, 22:45 MSC These athletes give their best not only on the basketball court.
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How to do a handstand correctly and why don’t underestimate it?
Some exercises don’t get the attention they deserve among modern athletes. What this is due to is difficult to say. Most people do not think about the development
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Nothing hurts anymore: 5 exercises for those with a sedentary lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle has long been considered one of the enemies of good health. Long work in the office, constant stay at the computer and lack of any
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Fitness blogger Tanya TGYM: I was lucky enough to monetize my hobby
Tatiana Fedorishcheva, better known to fitness fans as Tanya TGYM, is the founder of one of the most popular Russian-language YouTube channels about sports. Since 2011, Tatiana has
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