Street activities we forgot about over the winter. You can lose pounds by having fun
Street activities we forgot about over the winter. You can lose pounds by having fun May 22, 2022, 18:45 MSC There will be no need to be bored
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What does it take to learn how to fly a drone? It’s a popular sport and a sought-after job
One of the dreams of mankind is to fly like birds. Scientists and design bureaus have long been developing various devices to turn fantasies into reality. And although
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9 populárnych, ale hlúpych mýtov o nordic walkingu
Many people are still convinced that walking with poles is boring. If you walk the same route every day, the sticks may indeed soon go to the mezzanine.
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
3 best glamping sites near Moscow, where you can recover your strength over the weekend
3 best glamping sites in the Moscow Region, where you can recover your strength over the weekend May 26, 2022, 18:45 MSC An all-inclusive vacation awaits you, and
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“We have every chance to get on the podium”. Breaking team coach – about the Olympics in Paris
We often hear the phrase that the street has a bad influence on upbringing and development. Many people have a stereotype in their heads: behind the doors of
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Extrémne zjazdy na bicykli - šialenstvo alebo šport? Odpovedal jazdec
For some people, a bicycle is a means of transportation from work to home, while for others it is an opportunity to spend a pleasant time in the
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Ako si vybrať prvé valčeky. Príručka pre začiatočníkov
If you’re not a fan of sideways skateboarding, you should definitely try rollerblading. They have a “normal” stance, and skating is often mastered intuitively. Let’s start with the
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Ako uskladniť bicykel, ak nemáte doma miesto. Našli sme 6 spôsobov
Even with the desire and ability to ride a bicycle, people face a problem – there is a catastrophic lack of space at home and it is simply
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3 zaujímavé trasy na výlety v Rusku
Russia from the car window is a special kind of pleasure. You can spend hours looking at the changing natural, urban and industrial scenery whizzing by outside the
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Where to go from St. Petersburg by train? 3 ideas for an active vacation
Where to go from St. Petersburg by train? A traveler tells us. When Peter I laid the city at the mouth of the Neva River, he hardly fully
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