3 tipy, ako si do príručnej batožiny zmestiť všetko potrebné
The cost of air tickets without the usual 23 kg of luggage looks extremely attractive. There is one more undoubted plus – freedom from heavy suitcases, absence of
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9 dôvodov, prečo vyskúšať nordic walking, ak máte menej ako 30 rokov
Many people think that walking with poles is boring for the elderly and torture for the young. But in many countries this is not the case, and everyone
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Ako si vybrať hotel na letnú dovolenku a nevyjsť na mizinu
One of the most important aspects when planning a vacation is choosing a hotel. A cozy hotel with quality service and delicious food can make any vacation unforgettable.
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Čo sa stane, ak budete týždeň spať vonku? Nastane niekoľko dôležitých zmien
Few people can boast of a good night’s sleep. The modern rhythm of life with its stuffy rooms worsens the quality of night rest. What to do? As
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10 lacných, ale užitočných vecí, ktoré si môžete vziať so sebou na cestu
Traveling is not the same as traveling, and you and I understand that very well. Naturally, 90% of the things you need to carry with you will depend
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Môže nordic walking oddialiť starobu
As we age, it’s not just wrinkles that accumulate, but soreness as well. There may be different reasons for this, but the only way out is to stay
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6 miest na letnú turistiku v Rusku. Podrobný sprievodca a kontrolný zoznam potrebných vecí
Hiking has always been a popular form of physical activity. Today, with the spread of trekking, they are experiencing another peak of popularity. Trekking is a hike through
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8 pravidiel, ako si zbaliť a kompaktne zabaliť batoh na cesty
Our heroes have traveled halfway around the world with one backpack. Over the years of traveling, they have accumulated a lot of useful lifehacks, which they are ready
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Prečo môže byť cestovanie nebezpečné pre vaše zdravie. Odpovedá lekár
The vacation season is in full swing. Almost everyone is dreaming of a trip to the sea. But is summer travel always good for our body? Can summer
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Ktorý elektrický skúter je najlepšie prenajať. Porovnanie služieb podľa ceny a kvality
Four years have passed since the first electric scooter rental service opened in Moscow. And if at that time the fleet numbered only 700 devices, now there are
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