Chronic fatigue: how to get rid of the syndrome that prevents you from living a full life

Chronic fatigue: how to get rid of the syndrome that prevents you from living a full life

How to get rid of chronic fatigue?

What to do when even 10 hours of sleep is not enough.

In our time, chronic fatigue syndrome is widespread. This is due to the accelerated pace of life and poor ecology. In addition, it is often experienced by people whose profession involves hard mental labor or work with a high degree of responsibility. Together with psychiatrist Renne Moon from the European Medical Center, we understand where the feeling of constant fatigue comes from, how to distinguish it from the usual desire to rest and how to cope with it.

What causes chronic fatigue?

First of all, it is necessary to understand why chronic fatigue appears. The doctor distinguishes several reasons for its occurrence:

  • nutritional disorders;
  • lack or excess of food, low-quality products: the lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements in food disrupt the body’s metabolism, leading to a lack of energy and the emergence of a persistent feeling of fatigue;
  • psychological problems;
  • constant stress, gloomy thoughts and feelings of anxiety and fear – the main “pests” for the activity of the nervous system, leading to constant fatigue and fatigue;
  • improper lifestyle.

Also to chronic fatigue syndrome can lead to constant sleep deprivation, irrational daily routine, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged mental or physical overstrain, constant change of biorhythms.

In addition, to the causes of the expert refers to unfavorable environmental conditions and the presence of chronic diseases.

How to distinguish chronic fatigue from ordinary fatigue?

Experiencing a feeling of fatigue at times is peculiar to every person. It is necessary to understand the difference between a chronic phenomenon and a normal desire to rest.

Renné: Normally, any severe fatigue will subside after adequate sleep and rest. If a person has slept and eaten well, but continues to feel sluggish and fatigued, which prevents him from performing his usual activities – this is a pathological condition. The main symptom of chronic fatigue is an unreasonable constant lack of strength, reducing the ability to work several times.

How to cope with chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue syndrome interferes with a full life: it reduces productivity and worsens the psychological state. To cope with the feeling of constant lack of strength, the doctor recommends:

  • organize the ratio of work and rest;
  • make rational physical activity;
  • normalize the diet;
  • conduct vitamin therapy, mainly B vitamins;
  • massages, physical therapy, hydrotherapy (e.g. swimming);
  • rational psychotherapy, autogenic training, group psychotherapeutic methods;
  • adjunctive symptomatic medications, e.g., nootropics, enterosorbents, daytime tranquilizers.

Is it necessary to seek professional help?

Renne: It is imperative to see a physician to determine the cause of chronic fatigue. It is also important to note that pharmacotherapy should only be prescribed and its effectiveness monitored by a physician.

Do not take medications without consulting a specialist – this can be detrimental to your health.

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