Čo robíte, keď všetci okolo vás hovoria o športe a vás to otravuje?

Why can the success of others be demotivating? What should you do if productive people annoy you?

Let’s find out together with experts.

Sometimes it seems that society is divided into two camps: the first are successful, energetic, with beautiful figures. The latter look sadly at the former, not understanding where to get the strength, motivation and time for all this. We tell you what to do when everyone around you is on sports and proper nutrition, and you are not.

Veronika Tyurina


We all strive for perfection, but the best thing we can do is to accept ourselves here and now. And then calmly outline your growth areas, unobtrusively turning them into goals.

Why do the successes of others in sports cause guilt?

Did looking at an insta-diva who had already gone to yoga by 7am and made herself a PP breakfast ruin your mood? Sadness, guilt or envy is a great marker to remind yourself of your own desires, goals and plans. The things you want but for some reason keep putting off. Negative feelings are a kind of beacon that signals, “You want this too, start moving in this direction.”

Anna Vladimirová


Start taking at least the first steps to get closer to your desired goal of a healthy/spun/toned body. You’ll be surprised how quickly the guilt will be replaced by curiosity and excitement.

It’s a different matter if you constantly look at instadives and berate yourself for not being like her. But at the same time you are not attracted to this lifestyle at all. Maybe you just aren’t interested in strength training, running, or yoga. Maybe dancing is your thing. Close Instagram and start making a list of things you enjoy. Take action and other people will stop caring about you.

Another reason could be that you just haven’t found your motivation for the sport. Many people were brought up in the concept of “must”: you have to study, do sports, be healthy and beautiful. But no one has explained why it is necessary. In this case, there is resistance to all these shoulds and inner rebellion: “I don’t owe anyone anything”. Yes, you really don’t owe anyone anything. But perhaps you want to? You want to be healthy, resilient, beautiful. Find your motivation – and if you can label your “wants,” you’ll never have to force yourself again. Otherwise, honestly admit to yourself that you don’t need it now.

Anastasia Korneenko

trainer, blogger, Guinness Book of World Records record holder for the most mass exercise.

As a rule, demotivation is caused by something that is not manifested in us. Perhaps it’s speaking to some untapped potential. In order not to feel guilty, we need to deal with the causes. Most often it is influenced by some negative experience or hidden benefits – “now it’s to my advantage to not exercise and suffer”. It is important to build a foundation of “what, why, why and how” and only after that to determine the training. It is necessary to choose classes to your heart’s content, ecological in relation to your body.

Now there are a lot of directions that do not require colossal efforts. If you train in an acceptable mode for the body, everything will fall into place. And after the first result you are unlikely to go back.

To realize that there is nothing wrong with you, even if you are not following a healthy lifestyle.
Veronika: It’s about your personality: feeling guilty that you are “different” in some matter is a destructive consequence of low self-esteem. Note: a self-confident person may or may not accept this or that worldview. But in any case he will do so out of his own understanding of value. A self-confident person has a flexible mindset and is willing to recognize that he or she may be wrong about something or may not want what most people want.

Loving oneself is the very feeling that underlies a healthy self-esteem
Out of self-love, a person chooses to maximize the benefits and accept it in a way that is comfortable for him or her. Hence a conscious approach to lifestyle and body is born. Making a choice in favor of HEA in this case will not be difficult. And it will be your personal choice, not a way to adjust to others. It is not necessary to “spite everyone” to give up sports.

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