Homemade better: how to make cottage cheese yourself?

Homemade better: how to make cottage cheese yourself?

Pavel Šiškin

How do you make homemade cottage cheese?

If you do not really trust the purchased products, you can make everything you need at home.

Curd is a product that is necessary in the diet of both a child and an adult. Many people have heard about its beneficial properties since childhood: improvement of bones and joints due to the large amount of calcium is only a small part of them.

Curd also helps to improve immunity, stabilizes the nervous system and improves brain function. A bonus can be considered its dietary features: it is easily digested, contains a lot of protein, amino acid methionine, which promotes rapid fat burning, and little fat.

True, the quality of the purchased product sometimes leaves much to be desired. But what if you prepare it yourself? You can do it, for example, according to this recipe.

From what can you make cottage cheese and where to start?

The list of necessary products is surprisingly short and easy to memorize. We will need:

  • milk – 4 liters;
  • kefir – 200 ml.

Milk should be poured into a container and heated to 60-70 degrees. Then remove from the fire and add kefir. After that, mix well, cover with a lid and put something warm on top. With this task, for example, a blanket will perfectly cope. The constructed construction should be left for 5-7 hours.

How to prepare homemade cottage cheese?

Then you need to move the container to a slow fire and heat until the whey and curd mass do not separate from each other.

While the future curd is on the fire, you should prepare everything for the next step. It is necessary to put another container, put a colander in it and lay a waffle towel or gauze over it. When this is done, return to the first bowl on low heat.

Wait for the curd to curdle and finally separate from the whey. After that, let the mixture cool down a little. Then strain through a gauze or waffle towel and wait until all the whey has gone down.

Voila – the curd is ready! Enjoy the aroma of homemade product and its delicate taste.

Important: Do not make the curd completely dry, because after a while it will cool down and become thicker and firmer.

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