Squatting is considered to be the main exercise for shaping beautiful legs and tight buttocks. It involves many muscle groups, strengthens joints and tendons, and improves posture. There are even separate competitions on squatting with a barbell, where you can fulfill the norms of the master of sports.
fitness tréner
Establishing proper technique can take several weeks. Start exercising with your own weight under the guidance of a trainer. This way you will achieve 100% efficiency and avoid back and knee injuries.
There are many variations of this exercise. For example, if a person with second-degree scoliosis loads a heavy weight on the bar and starts squatting with full amplitude, it can aggravate the problem. If the same person squats with their own weight in partial amplitude, it will have a positive effect on health. Both are called squatting, but one cures and the other cripples.
Increased blood pressure. When squatting with weights, a person experiences a serious load, which leads to an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate. If you have cardiovascular problems, evaluate the need for squatting. Look for alternatives.
Varicose veins. This is a disease of the veins of the legs in which the blood vessels are dilated and deformed. Moderate physical activity is recommended to improve the condition. However, many athletes forget about health and get carried away with lifting heavy weights, which complicates the disease. Select an adequate load for training.
Long femur. Body proportions play an important role in squats. It is easier for someone to perform, and someone will try a dozen ways to get the desired result. A long femur affects the mechanics of the exercise. If you do not take this feature into account, you can get a back injury. You should choose the right technique of execution to evenly distribute the weight between the back, knees and legs.
How to replace squats?
Ohýbanie nôh v simulátore
Technika vykonávania:
- Ľahnite si na trenažér a panvu pevne pritlačte k lavičke.
- Tense the back of the thigh, then bend the lower leg to an angle of 90 degrees.
- Try not to pull your pelvis away from the bench.
- Potom pomaly vráťte dolnú končatinu do východiskovej polohy.
Vykonajte tri nájazdy po 15-krát. Odpočinok medzi nájazdmi - jedna minúta.
Kľuky na nohách na trenažéri
- Sit on the exercise machine. Press your pelvis and lower back tightly against the cushion and the back of the trainer.
- Tense the front surface of the thigh, then extend the lower leg, slightly not bringing it to the parallel with the floor.
- Try not to pull your pelvis and lower back away from the machine.
- Potom plynulo spustite dolnú končatinu späť do východiskovej polohy.
Vykonajte tri prístupy 15-krát. Odpočinok medzi nájazdmi - jedna minúta.
Leg press
- Sit in the simulator, resting your feet on the platform.
- Pevne pritlačte panvu a spodnú časť chrbta k vankúšu a zadnej časti stroja.
- Chodidlá položte na hornú časť plošiny a umiestnite ich o niečo širšie ako panvu, pričom prsty na nohách musia smerovať do strán pod uhlom 45 stupňov.
- Plošinu plynulo spúšťajte do uhla 90 stupňov v kolenách bez toho, aby ste si odtrhli panvu a spodnú časť chrbta.
- Pri výdychu silno stlačte plošinu. Dbajte na to, aby sa vaše kolená pohybovali smerom k prstom na nohách.
Vykonajte tri nájazdy po 15-krát. Odpočinok medzi nájazdmi - jedna minúta.
Hýžďový most
- Ľahnite si na chrbát, pokrčte nohy v kolenách so zameraním na päty.
- Powerfully push the pelvis up to a straight line with the back, lingering in the upper point for one second.
- Plynulo klesnite na podlahu na 2-3 sekundy.
Vykonajte tri nájazdy po 20-krát. Odpočinok medzi nájazdmi - jedna minúta. V prípade potreby použite ďalšie závažia.
Hip extension in a simulator
- Sit on the trainer. Press your pelvis and lower back tightly against the cushion and backrest of the trainer.
- Put your feet on the footrest, press your shoulder blades against the backrest, maintaining a natural lumbar flexion.
- Exhale and spread your hips apart as much as possible. Hold this position for a second.
- Exhale and slowly return to the starting position.
Perform three approaches of 20 times. Rest between approaches – one minute.
Hip curl in a trainer
- Sit on the trainer. Press your pelvis and lower back tightly against the cushion and the back of the machine.
- Put your feet on the footrest, press your shoulder blades against the backrest, keeping a natural bend in the lower back.
- Exhale and bring your knees together. Hold this position for a second.
- Exhale and slowly return to the starting position.
Perform three approaches of 20 times. Rest between approaches – one minute.