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What is celiac disease? How does it differ from gluten sensitivity? What are the symptoms of these conditions?
The topic of gluten-free diet is at the peak of popularity. On a household level, we already have an idea of what a gluten-free diet means, but understanding the difference between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity lags behind.
The symptoms of the two conditions are easy to find on the internet – they are very similar. This creates confusion and often leads to self-treatment and unnecessary elimination of foods from the diet. Sometimes instead of benefiting, this only increases the risks of negative health consequences.
Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune (when the immune system perceives the body’s own tissues as foreign and damages them) lifelong disease. It can manifest at any age. Due to the abnormal reaction of the immune system, the villi of the intestinal mucosa are damaged. This leads to impaired absorption of nutrients and various complications: anemia, vitamin deficiency, heart disease, osteoporosis, infertility, neurological symptoms (ADHD), etc.
Gluten sensitivity is not an autoimmune disease. Although the body’s response at the symptom level is similar to celiac disease, the mechanism of this sensitivity is not fully known. One likely cause is a reaction not to gluten itself, but to short-chain carbohydrates found in the same foods.
When symptoms similar to celiac disease are present, a diagnosis of gluten sensitivity is made only on the basis of medical tests and tests that rule out celiac disease.
What are the symptoms of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease?
Both conditions have common and distinct symptoms. Common symptoms often seen in celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are:
- hnačka;
- abdominal bloating and flatulence;
- pain, abdominal cramping;
- constipation;
- nausea.
Symptoms, in addition to the general ones, which are more likely to be attributed specifically to celiac disease:
- skin itching;
- headaches and fatigue;
- bone and joint pain;
- mouth ulcers;
- seizures.
It is important for people with celiac disease to realize that gluten, even in small amounts, can cause long-term problems. Gluten sensitivity, on the other hand, usually does not cause serious consequences with small amounts of gluten in certain foods. This is a major difference in diet planning for the two conditions.
Possible signs of having one of the two conditions:
- If you notice that you regularly experience one or more of the symptoms described after consuming foods with gluten;
- if you have a family history of celiac disease and are experiencing symptoms.
What should I do if I have symptoms of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity?
Always see your doctor. Do not self-medicate. Do not seek advice from someone you know. Do not look for help on the Internet. Misdiagnosis and blindly prescribed diets can be detrimental to your health.
If you don’t actually need a strict gluten-free diet, maintaining it can significantly affect your life and cause serious social and psychological consequences. Fortunately, celiac disease itself is not as common as the media and blogs make it out to be. And in other cases, if dietary changes are required, they will be much less severe and much easier to manage.
Dôležité! Before going to the doctor, do not switch to a gluten-free diet. During the test period, you should stick to your usual diet. This will help to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.
Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity is not a verdict. Today, with the variety of products, including special gluten-free products, it is easy to eat a varied and tasty diet. If you see a doctor in time, even if your body is gluten-sensitive, you can avoid long-term complications and lead a full and healthy life.