Tells the nutritionist.
It is believed that “regular” food is cheaper than “healthy”. But this is not true. Healthy does not mean expensive! We share with you the flyhacks that will help you eat right with a limited budget.
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Saving money and becomes the reason why people continue to eat unbalanced and damage their health.
Why healthy eating is not necessarily expensive?
According to the nutriciologist, a healthy diet ensures the growth and normal development of a person, promotes health, prevention of many diseases and maintenance of normal weight. Therefore, it should be balanced, varied and nutritious.
Daria: Economy is the reason why people continue to eat unbalanced and harm their health. Yes, if you go to the healthy food section in the supermarket, you can actually lose your appetite from the prices of “healthy” products. But if you decide to start eating right, you don’t have to run to the best health food supermarkets for avocados, buckwheat bread, fish and seafood.
How to save money on healthy products?
Daria: Switching to a healthy lifestyle is often perceived negatively. That’s why we often buy more expensive products as compensation: if fish, then trout or salmon, if a vegetable, then avocado. But superfoods are often overrated and don’t always deliver the promised benefits. Advertising invites us to visit health food stores with huge counters and beautiful inscriptions “sugar-free”, “eco” “natural product”. Except that beautiful green packaging with happy smiling people does not guarantee a healthy product inside.
Freeze your food. Nutriciologist advises every year to stock up on eggplant, peppers, berries, zucchini and everything that can be frozen. This will allow you to eat properly in the winter without increasing costs. If there is no way to freeze food at home, look at frozen vegetables and berries in stores.
Substitute popular foods. Popular and expensive superfoods can easily be replaced with budget-friendly alternatives. Instead of kale, for example, buy cauliflower. Goji berries will be replaced by raspberries, which can be pre-frozen in the summer. Chicken and cod are much cheaper than the hyped turkey and pollock.
Buy items at wholesale stores. Buy products in bulk rather than at specialty stores. For example, buckwheat is hardly different in different places of purchase. But the price differs significantly, says nutriciologist.