How long does it take for the body to clear itself of nicotine? An addictionologist tells us

How long does it take for the body to clear itself of nicotine? An addictionologist tells us

How long it takes for nicotine to leave your system

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You will no longer have any doubts whether to quit smoking or not.

Smoking is a real threat to human health and life. Everyone knows about it. The harmful habit has a deleterious effect on the cardiovascular system, and also provokes the development of cancer. But there is a way out. If you quit cigarettes, the body can recover.

Marina Kalyuzhnaya

psychiatrist-drug addict, chief physician of the medical hospital “Harmony”.

There are always consequences after getting rid of smoking. However, more often they are purely psychological in nature. The former smoker experiences constant apathy, depression and anxiety. He wants to return to the addiction. But what happens to the body?

How much time does the body need for full recovery?

Nicotine, getting into the body, leaves two components. The first consists of nicotine itself, and the second consists of cotinine (a non-toxic substance). They come out in a 20 to 80 ratio.

The cycle of nicotine decomposition is about six to eight hours. But it is completely eliminated in one or two days. If a person is determined to quit addiction, then his body will definitely recover. This will take six to eight months.

It is important to remember that the lungs will be renewed the slowest. They will be fully back to normal by the ninth month. But the process of cleaning the respiratory system will begin from the first minutes of saying goodbye to a bad habit.

What will c the body, if you combine smoking and sports, read in the material.

On what depends on the speed of recovery?

Alexander Polikarpov

psychiatrist-drug addict, chief physician of the clinic “AlkoSpas”, member of the National Narcological Society.

Recovery is not a quick process. What will take the longest? The level of dopamine in the brain will be restored only after three months. But the risk of developing a stroke will decrease to the level of a non-smoker only after five years.

The rate at which the body clears nicotine depends on gender, age and body condition. Influence the presence of pregnancy, the functional state of the liver and kidneys. These are the organs that provide purification of the body from all unnecessary. Also, the rate of nicotine metabolism is influenced by genetic factors.

What happens to the body?

When a person quits smoking, the carbon monoxide content in the blood gradually decreases. The oxygen content increases, making it easier to breathe. Oxygen overload can cause slight dizziness.

The lung epithelium begins to regain its function. Reduces the production of sputum. The regeneration of inflamed intestinal mucosa begins.

By the third day improves blood supply to the heart and brain. There is regeneration of bronchial mucosa, normalization of the pancreas. In general, the body is reorganized to work without nicotine after a week.

In parallel with positive changes, symptoms of nicotine starvation – withdrawal syndrome – begin. There may be coughing, troubled sleep, nervousness, obsessive thoughts about cigarettes and other unpleasant symptoms. It is important to seek the help of a specialist who will help to overcome them.

To find out how smoking affects a person’s memory, follow this link.
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