How to become a cool armwrestler: wrestling technique and proper stance

How to become a cool armwrestler: fighting techniques and the right stance

Armwrestling techniques

Even a strong athlete who has been going to the gym for years can lose a fight.

It is not necessary to be a superathlete to beat everyone in armwrestling. An athlete can beat even the most pumped up guy in armwrestling if he knows the right technique. The most important thing in this sport is a strong hand.

Timur Zainullin


Armwrestling began to get rabid popularity after the movie with Sylvester Stallone “To the best of your ability”. After the movie came out, people started coming to the gym and practicing armwrestling.

Correct stance

Step 1: With the non-working hand grasp the bar. Dôležité: you must not let go of the pin completely.

Krok 2. The athlete’s hands are placed in such a way that the grip is in the middle, the phalanges of the fingers must be open. Dôležité: fingers of the opponent must not be covered.

Krok 3. Athletes’ shoulders should be parallel to the table.

Krok 4. The elbow of the wrestling hand rests on the cushion on the table. Dôležité: it je . allowed to slide the elbow on the cushion, but it is not allowed to pull the elbow away from it.

Step 5: Get into a position that is comfortable for you. You can even rest your feet on the legs of the table on which you are fighting. Dôležité: if your legs are in the way of your opponent, the referee will stop the game.

Basic armwrestling techniques for beginners

Hook wrestling

It consists in curling the opponent’s hand towards you. From the very beginning, the “hook wrestler” seeks to bend his hand, imposing the opponent to hook wrestling. When the lifter is already wrapped up in the hook, the main attacking actions are at the expense of the biceps and lateral ligament. In wrestling, the pressure can occur either laterally or diagonally. The shoulder of the working arm should be brought forward.

Top wrestling

The main task of a top wrestling is to “knock out” the opponent’s hand, shifting the load to his biceps. The success of top wrestling directly depends on the size of your leverage. That is why during the fight, try to take a higher leverage. Perform interceptions with your fingers, shift the hand to yourself to take a more favorable position.

Exercises to pump up your arms

Exercise in the gym should not be primarily for the development of endurance or the formation of a beautiful relief, but for the strength of the hands. You will need exercises for biceps, triceps, broad back and deltoid muscles.

Here are the exercises you can use to strengthen your arms for armwrestling:

  1. Biceps deadlift.
  2. Pulling the lower block with one hand.
  3. Hand flexion with a barbell.
  4. Pull-ups with incomplete amplitude.

Arm strength is an important part of successful wrestling, but it is far from the only one. You need to remember the importance of training techniques. There are a lot of them and the main thing is to find a few of the most suitable ones and regularly allocate time to practice them.

Learn more about armwrestling in the video on “Championship”.

Zdroj: MuscleRussia.

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