How can you change your behavior and the perception of others, get rid of scenarios that destroy your health and relationships, and become more harmonious, healthy and happy? For those who have ever asked such questions, together with the largest book service LitRes, we have compiled a selection of books that will tell you how to give up bad habits, and help to instill good ones.
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Knows all about books that can change your life for the better.
“Finish What You Started. How to see things through to the end,” John Aikoff
Do you often finish what you started? Popular blogger and motivational speaker John Aikaff knows from experience that we are not always able to realize what we have planned.
There can be many reasons for this. For example, fear of failure, laziness or perfectionism. The author reflects on the obstacles that prevent us from bringing things to completion, explains why we set ourselves boundaries in achieving goals, and shares proven techniques that will help to complete what we have started.
All of his techniques were tested during a 30-day online marathon. It was attended by several thousand people who had problems with completing their projects. Using John Aikaff’s advice, you will stop making excuses for unfinished tasks and start bringing them to completion.
“Morning Rituals. How successful people start their day”, Benjamin Spall, Michael Xander
How do famous people start their morning? Do you have to plan the beginning of the day or can you let it go? Are there rituals that unite businessmen and athletes? Benjamin Spall and Michael Xander conducted a study.
They interviewed over 300 people about their morning schedule, compiled summary statistics on habits, and found that for most successful people, the beginning of the day is crucial.
Mood, well-being and productivity depend on how the first hours after waking up. The authors share their insights and conclusions from their conversations. They also help you develop your own rituals that will help you start the day with pleasure and energize you for maximum productivity.
You can look for motivation not only in pleasant morning habits, but also in books. Read about five of them in the material at the link.
“Easy and simple. How to cope with the tasks to which it is scary to approach”, Sergei Zhdanov, Timur Zarudny
Sometimes we set ourselves tasks, for the solution of which we are afraid to accept. And no matter how strong our interest is, the fear of failure is stronger, and we put off ideas and dreams for later. Of course, everyone has made mistakes, but this does not mean that we should sit back and not move forward.
Sergey Zhdanov and Timur Zarudny analyze in detail the reasons that prevent us from realizing our work and personal plans. They also help us to find motivation and ways to overcome the fear to start and bring things to the end. The authors will tell you how to gather, feel confident in their own abilities, overcome burnout, think through a plan of action and realize what you have planned.
“Life Balance. 82 ideas for managing work and life, 7 ways to dream and 6 steps to make it all happen”, Eva Katz
Have you noticed how easy it is to give advice to others, but how difficult it can be to sort out your own life and find the right solution? This is because when you’re inside a situation, it’s hard to keep critical thinking, consider all the pros and cons, set aside fears and start acting.
Eva Katz, an Internet marketer and the creator of an educational club for entrepreneurs, shares ideas that will help you review your own life scenario and adjust it to become happier and more successful.
The author warns that on the pages of her book there are no ready-made instructions on what to do. But there are many hints that allow you to think rationally, pay attention to important aspects and find the courage to take real action.
“Atomic Habits. How to acquire good habits and get rid of bad ones”, James Clear
“If you can improve just 1% every day for one year, by the end of this period you will be 37 times better than yourself – as you were at the beginning of this journey,” – is sure American businessman, blogger, coach, athlete James Clear.
In his book, he details how small gradual changes can lead to global results. The author explains how to introduce good habits into your daily schedule and make them simple and enjoyable, and on the contrary, get rid of bad habits.
To illustrate his thoughts, he cites many real-life stories and scientific research results. Structured and without water.
If you prefer fiction, read about seven books you should read before you turn 30 in the article at the link below.