How to make a spectacular shot in a yoga pose? 3 asanas for a beautiful photo shoot

How to make a spectacular shot in a yoga pose? 3 asanas for a beautiful photo shoot

3 asanas for a beautiful photo shoot

Complex inverted poses are not suggested.

In the lotus pose, probably, only the laziest has not been photographed. But there are many other asanas that emphasize body shapes well and look spectacular in the frame. We have prepared for you simple exercises that everyone can do.

Elina Ishmuratova

Elina Ishmuratova

yoga trainer at Pride Fitness

Tells about beautiful poses that will look good in the frame.

Bow pose


  • Lie on your stomach, arms stretched along the torso.
  • Extend your arms to your feet and grasp your ankles on the inside or outside.
  • Grasp the ankle joints on the inside or outside with the palms of your hands. If you can’t do this, use a belt.
  • Pull the body and chest upward to straighten the legs.
  • Try to stretch your spine and neck. Keep your shoulders back, opening your chest.
  • Point your shoulder blades toward each other and downward.
  • The gaze can be directed forward.
  • Tense only leg muscles, arm and back muscles should be relaxed.

Elina: In the final position, try to bring your knees and shins together. When performing the exercise, be sure to watch your breathing, do not hold it. In the asana should remain up to one minute, then with an exhalation drop to the stomach, stretch the body and relax.

Half Moon pose


  • Stand up straight, feet together, arms along the body, head held straight.
  • Lean forward and raise the body up to parallel with the floor, putting your hands on the floor under the shoulders (you can use bricks to make it easier).
  • Lift your straight left leg up to line up with your pelvis, while turning and opening your left hip out to the side.
  • Maintain balance with support on your right leg and arm.
  • Expand your chest to the left and raise your left arm upward.
  • Point the toes of your left foot toward you to keep your balance.
  • Reach back with your left leg and push off the floor with your supporting hand.

Remember to keep your back straight, gaze upward, and breathe calmly. You can stay in asana for up to a minute and then repeat it in the other direction.

Noble Warrior Pose 1


  • Stand up straight, feet together, arms along the body, keep your head straight.
  • Take a wide step with your right foot backwards.
  • Press the right foot firmly to the floor and turn it at about a 45 degree angle with the heel inward.
  • Straighten your right leg as much as possible and bend your left knee so that the angle is 90 degrees and your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • Extend your straight arms upward, palms of your hands at the level of your chest.
  • Pull your chest back slightly, increasing the flexion.
  • Tighten the abdomen, pull the top of the head upwards, breathe freely, the gaze is directed upwards, at the palms.

As you exhale, lower your palms and exit the pose. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Start your training with simple poses, and then you can try other, more complex asanas.

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