How to pump up a beginner without exercise machines? 5 effective exercises from an athlete

How to pump up a beginner without exercise machines? 5 effective exercises from an athlete

Fjodor Koltun

How to pump up a beginner without exercise equipment?

This complex will help to develop deep muscles and subsequently gain mass faster.

Fjodor Koltun

Coach in boxing, kickboxing, Thai boxing, fighter of the promotion “Our Cause”.

I’m Fyodor Koltun, a professional fighter. This time I want to tell you how you can develop skeletal muscles of your body using your own weight, fitness bands and small dumbbells.

This article is not about how to successfully and quickly gain muscle mass, but rather how to effectively develop your deep, skeletal muscles.

Skeletal muscle tissue is firm and elastic, capable of contracting under the influence of nerve impulses. It forms the skeletal musculature of humans and animals, designed to perform various actions: body movement, contraction of vocal cords, breathing.

Due to the development of skeletal muscles, which are basic for building the main muscle mass, you will be able to gain muscle mass much faster and much more efficiently than with a weak muscular skeleton.

Now I want to tell you about several exercises for different muscle groups that can make your muscles strong and enduring. I use them myself in my workouts.

Gluteal bridge with a fitness rubber band.

With this exercise you engage the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs.


  • Take a lying position, bend your legs at the knee joint and put them in a foot rest, put the rubber band on your thighs just above the knee joint.
  • Smoothly rise from the lying position on your shoulder blades, while tensing your buttocks, abs and lower back.
  • Then return to the starting position, but do not lower yourself to the floor.

Perform 20 such repetitions.

Steps with hands with a rubber band in a supine position


  • Get into a supine position, put a rubber band on your wrists, place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Step one arm diagonally forward, then the other arm.
  • After step one arm to the side, then change hands, and at the end step one arm diagonally backwards, change hands.

Such series should be performed from 7 to 10 depending on your physical readiness.

Pulling a rubber band to yourself


  • Fix the rubber band either on the machine or on the wall, take it with two hands and perform pulling to the chest with your arms pressed to the torso with half-bent elbows.
  • Perform the pull smoothly with fixation in the end point, try to bring your shoulder blades together.

You should perform 15-20 such repetitions according to the degree of your muscle fatigue.

Triceps curls with a rubber band


  • Fix a rubber band on the bar or on the Swedish wall higher.
  • Fix your arms, bent at the elbow, tightly to the torso.
  • Extend your arms until they are fully straightened at the elbow and locked at the end point.

Perform 15 to 20 such repetitions.

Straight arm extension with a rubber band


  • Fix a rubber band on your wrists, straighten your arms in front of you at eye level.
  • Take your arms alternately to the sides: first diagonally upwards, then to the sides and diagonally downwards.

I recommend to perform such series from 7 to 10.

Above I have listed only a part of the exercises that I use in my training process and at a certain stage of training. By applying them, you will be able to effectively develop the skeletal muscles of your body and build a base for gaining muscle mass. Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

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