Winter is about to recede and warm, sunny weather will take over. And with the arrival of spring, the 2021 running season will begin. The first runs are the most important, especially if you missed the off-season. Be attentive to your body, listen to it, monitor your condition.
On the eve of the first starts, we talked to experienced specialists to tell you how to prepare for your first five kilometers. By the way, you will be able to run them at the race “April” already on April 4.
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Sergej Kornejev, the head coach of the Running Community, recommends that you start preparing two months or 4-5 weeks in advance, depending on your current physical fitness.
Sergej Kornejev
head coach of the Running Community
You need to plan your daily routine properly and implement the training process into it. You should not rush and run a lot at once, first you need to prepare all the muscles through physical exercises. Once the musculoskeletal apparatus is strengthened, you can work on endurance with long but low-intensity workouts.
In order for the training to be comfortable and quality, it is important to follow the regime, eat well, combine shoes, recover properly. Do not forget to get enough sleep, take vitamins, go to massage and baths.
Choose comfortable clothes and shoes
When choosing equipment, it is important to pay attention to comfort, especially comfortable shoes should be.
Sergej Kornejev
head coach of the Running Community
It is better to have at least three pairs to combine different workouts. Get high socks that overlap Achilles tendons.
Don’t overload yourself the day before the race
On the day before the race, your coach recommends rest, but you can work out a little.
Sergej Kornejev
head coach of the Running Community
If you feel that you can show results, then a day before the start arrange a tempo run for a distance of 400 meters to 1 km at the pace at which you plan to run at the start. This way you can see if your body is ready for the race or not. If you decide to do a workout, it should be short and low-intensity.
At night, do not overeat: finish eating before 20:00 if the start is scheduled for 10:00. Also on this day it is necessary to tune in to the race. In case of excitement, try to distract yourself. For example, a positive movie. And be sure to go to bed early to get a good night’s sleep.
As for nutrition on the eve of the race, nutritionist Ksenia Kutuzova advises to focus on carbohydrates with a small amount of fat, as well as reduce the consumption of rough fiber. For example, instead of croissant and custard cakes, give preference to pasta with tomato sauce, rice, various cereals and crackers with bagels, and instead of fresh salad, choose baked vegetables and fruits.
Ksenia Kutuzova
odborník na výživu
On the day of the race it is important that breakfast was familiar and habitual for you. Do not try anything new and it is better to test in advance, what variant of food before the run suits you. Just like the day before the start, we emphasize carbohydrates with low fat and protein. For example, porridge with eggs, toast with peanut butter and banana, natural yogurt with granola or a protein cereal bar with tea. It’s best to avoid coffee for breakfast, as caffeine on an empty stomach combined with pre-start excitement can negatively affect the GI tract and cause unwanted cramps.
Protect yourself from injuries
Sports doctor Alexander Kolesov advises to get a good night’s sleep 2-3 days before the first “five”: you should sleep for 8-9 hours in order to approach the race as prepared as possible in terms of basic resources.
Alexander Kolesov
sports doctor
During 3-4 days before the start, use a roller to release the gluteal muscles, calf muscles, back and front thigh surface. In addition, warm up before the start, do 1-3 accelerations of 20-30 meters, a few jumps to run already stretched and heated, because the distance is short. Before the race, 30-40 minutes before the race, you can take guarana (plant extract with energy effect) once to better realize your potential in the process.
Taping for 5 km is not required if there are no any injuries, overloads, overstrains, discomfort. But in general it is individual. It makes no sense to specially wrap your knees at such a distance.
Distribute your strength rationally
On the day of the race, the coach advises beginners to work calmly at the start, leaving their strength for the finish acceleration.
Sergej Kornejev
head coach of the Running Community
It is better to scold yourself for what you have not done, and on the way out think that everything was easy, than to suffer the whole second half of the distance with thoughts about when it will all end. And in the end to acquire an aversion to running.
According to the coach, after the race you need a few days of complete rest for the body to recover. In the case of 5 km, 2-3 days will be quite enough.
As for nutrition, if you overcome the distance within 40-60 minutes, you will not need extra. The body has enough resources and glycogen reserves to cope with the load at the expense of its own forces. However, you should not refuse a sip of water, especially if you already feel thirsty.
Ksenia Kutuzova
odborník na výživu
Immediately after the finish, replenish the water-salt balance, drink water of comfortable temperature, isotonic or vitamin-mineral complex with electrolytes. If you feel hungry, replenish your calories with a portion of fast carbohydrates. Snack on fruit, drink diluted juice or sweet tea with crackers and after an hour and a half make a full meal.
We are sure that these tips will help you during the preparation and in the process of overcoming your first five kilometers. Arm yourself with them and let’s go!
You can register for the April race by clicking here.