Is it possible to lose weight doing Pilates? Answers from the trainer

Klavdia Golubtsova

certified yoga and pilates trainer

Pilates is a fairly static workout, great for beginners, for rehabilitation after injury. With measured work and attention to tweaks, practitioners have the ability to adjust the level of intensity and depth of the exercises. By the load on the body Pilates is similar to fitness and akin to yoga.

Exercises are simple, you can practice at home or in the gym. The emphasis is not on general fitness, but on muscle development and increasing body density. Regular exercise corrects posture and improves coordination. Gradually, muscles become elastic and joints become flexible.

In Pilates classes, it is important to pay attention to breathing technique. Here it differs from the breathing in yoga. The technique of thoracic, rib breathing is used, as opposed to the standard, abdominal breathing. This type of breathing helps to use the full volume of the lungs, including the lower part, relieves spasm of deep muscles.

A system of well-chosen exercises helps not only to restore health, relieve pain, but also teaches you to feel the body through working the muscles. To achieve good results, you need to develop concentration, centering, working out the breath, etc.

Is it possible to lose weight by practicing Pilates?

If you plan to lose weight, but you can’t force yourself to do high-intensity fitness or cardio, Pilates will be a great “bridge from the couch”. These classes are great for the untrained body and will put technique to work.

Through proper breathing and release of clamps, we trigger lymph flow. All tissues of the body receive oxygen and nutrients faster and in greater volume, metabolic processes are normalized and, in addition to healthy skin, beautiful hair and properly working organs, you get a pleasant effect as weight loss.

Deep muscles are formed qualitatively, the body becomes strong and heavy, as if chiseled, while excess fat is lost. For one hour of training of medium intensity you can burn about 250-280 kcal.

Your body memorizes the correct movement patterns and it becomes easier and more pleasant to move in normal life. When you work out, a large number of muscles are put to work, you expend calories, and you exercise all the time, even outside the gym.

During training you develop concentration skills, a sense of your own center, and you basically focus on your own body. Due to this in everyday life comes awareness and moderation – in food, in entertainment.

Let’s be honest, you will not lose weight after one Pilates class. The first changes in the body can be felt only after the first month of training. But by practicing regularly and adjusting your diet, you will achieve excellent results. And not only in weight, but also in the quality of your body. And even in the quality of life!

If you haven’t decided to go to a group class yet, we suggest you try our Pilates workout that will pump up your whole body. Find the exercises here.
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