Spanie v náručí divých zvierat a porozumenie ich reči: príbeh dievčatka Mauglího Tippi Degre
To ride an ostrich, to play with a leopard – a ferocious predator, to splash in the river, which is swarming with huge crocodiles, to sleep in the
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Prečo zarábate tak málo peňazí? 5 spôsobov, ako prekonať svoj finančný strop
psychologist of the online platform Fringe.RF “The expression “financial ceiling” denotes a situation when a person cannot start earning more than a certain amount. It’s as if he
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How to prepare for the New Year to make it successful: detailed instructions
neurocoach “As the New Year approaches, we are faced with opportunities to consciously prepare for the changes ahead. During this period, it is important to pay attention to
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Prišla o ruku v čeľustiach žraloka, ale prekonala strach z oceánu: príbeh Bethany Hamiltonovej
The Hawaiian Islands have long been considered a paradise for great tiger sharks and hell for swimmers, surfers and vacationing tourists. The threat of these bloodthirsty predators attacking
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How to get down to business when you’re terribly lazy: 5 simple steps from a psychologist
psychologist, CPT and AST therapist, expert of the online school of psychological professions “Psychodemia” “We often say about ourselves that we are lazy. So, as if it’s about
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Do you have real friends and how do you make them? 6 signs and a detailed strategy
“Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”, “Friends know each other in trouble”, “Tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you
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Samotný Silvester: V kuchyni som si dovolila pol dňa netancovať a nezdobiť stromček.
content marketer “Celebrating the most festive day of the year with family or a rowdy group of friends is logical and customary, but life sometimes throws up different
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Čo čaká hospodárstvo, cestovný ruch a nehnuteľnosti v roku 2024? Prognózy odborníkov
On the eve of the coming New Year, we want to take a peek into the future and find out what to expect. Of course, it is impossible
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What to do if anxiety is running your life? 3 main steps and simple techniques
physician, psychologist and body-oriented therapist. “Every one of us has experienced anxiety at least once. It’s normal to worry because of problems at work, workload in studies, unsuccessful
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Vnútorný pokoj a fyzická dokonalosť. Ako žijú a trénujú mnísi v Šaoline?
In the heart of China, among the picturesque mountains, lurks the ancient Shaolin Monastery – the cradle of martial arts. In this place spirituality and physical strength found
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