To lose excess: why do you need unloading days?
“I have an unloading day” – a phrase familiar, perhaps, to everyone. Someone adheres to this system, and someone else has only heard about it. What is it
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Čo sa stane s telom, ak budete jesť mrkvu každý deň?
Did you know that such a common and widespread vegetable as carrots is a unique product? In addition to the property known from childhood “for sharp eyesight”, carrots
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How to diversify tea with spices and fruits
How to diversify tea with spices and fruits Julia Fedorova December 8, 2020, 21:15 MSC Winter warming recipes for those who are bored with ordinary drinks. With the
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Pomoc telu: aké potraviny je najlepšie jesť v zime
Did you know that the microbes in the air change from season to season? And that the microbes in your gut should also change from season to season?
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Prednovoročný detox: príprava na sviatočný sviatok
There’s not much left until New Year’s Eve, which means it’s time to get your figure in order! Detox diet is a great way to do this. And
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
ZOZH v ruštine: 5 najlepších zdravých jedál tradičnej kuchyne
Myths about what is useful and what is not, are passed down from generation to generation, strengthened in people’s heads as truth. Few people have a real genetic
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Potraviny, ktorým by ste sa mali vyhnúť po 40. roku života
The ancient Persian scientist, philosopher and physician Avicenna divided human life into four age periods: growth, which lasted up to 30 years, youth – from 35 to 40
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Lose weight on pasta: 5 low-calorie recipes
We are used to the idea that pasta, along with flour, is a lot of extra calories. But in fact, even ordinary pasta can be made low-calorie: you
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Sila nie je v kaši: 5 "zbytočných" ruských jedál
Strength is not in porridge: 5 “useless” Russian dishes December 20, 2020, 20:05 MSC Forcing children to eat semolina is not necessary, because there are practically no useful
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Sviatočný cheatmil: prečo sa zoogeekovia neplánujú na Silvestra správne stravovať
Holiday cheatmil: why zoogeeks don’t plan to eat right on New Year’s Eve Arina Zabgaeva December 22, 2020, 17:45 MSC Giving up olivier and coldcake was not so
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