Ako ste šetrní k životnému prostrediu? Test
How eco-friendly are you? Test Valentina Anoshina March 5, 2021, 17:35 MSC You don’t have to stand with a banner “save the planet” to contribute to taking care
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Späť do minulosti: 6 dokumentárnych filmov o športe
Back in the past: 6 documentaries about sports Maria Gudkova March 6, 2021, 20:15 MSC Drive on the Formula 1 track with Ayrton Senna or step into the
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Navonok krehká, vnútri silná: 5 inšpiratívnych príbehov ruských športovkýň
High performance sports, in addition to talents and skills, require the strongest motivation, determination and willpower. Professionals often have to sacrifice their personal lives to achieve the desired
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marcové športové podujatia. Na čo si dať pozor tento mesiac?
The sports calendar for March 2021 will give unforgettable emotions and will make all fans happy: the Formula 1 season will start and the long-awaited World Figure Skating
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5 nápadov, ako používať smartfón pre zdravý životný štýl
Smartphones have become an integral part of everyone’s life. Nowadays, it is literally hard to imagine life without them. With the help of advanced phones we work, study,
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Mužský prístup: 7 párov brutálnych a štýlových tenisiek
A masculine approach: 7 pairs of brutal and stylish sneakers Valentina Anoshina March 16, 2021, 23:45 MSC Such will not be knocked out of the image neither in
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5 príbehov, ktoré navždy zmenili svetový šport
Adrenaline, excitement, and then wild delight or resentment from defeat – it’s all about sports. Nowadays, when most fans come to a match or competition, they support all
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Na ceste francúzskych kráľov: čo je Cesta do Santiaga a prečo sa oplatí prejsť 900 kilometrov
On the road of the French kings: what is the Santiago Way and why it’s worth going 900 kilometers Maria Gudkova March 19, 2021, 22:45 MSC You can
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Hmotnosť a pohon: čo sú súťaže Red Bull Homerun?
The ski season in Russia is slowly coming to an end, but it is ending on a high note. So, on March 14, the Red Bull Homerun amateur
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Povolený vstup: do ktorých krajín môžem cestovať bez víz?
Very soon the vacation season will begin, which means that the question of where to go will arise. But many people are afraid of the difficulties that will
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