Buy for fall to look cool: trend guide and 6 tips for hoodie fans
Fall is coming, and that means it’s time for a closet overhaul. Are you ready for the cold weather? Both “technically” and morally? To say goodbye to summer
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What tattoos fitness models decorate their perfect legs with: sketches and 7 real photos
Tattoos on the legs of girls look elegant and aesthetic. Successfully selected drawing, repeating the smooth line of the thigh or ringing a thin ankle, is able to
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10 cool gadgets for car travelers that will really simplify life
maintenance specialist “Every year, domestic auto-tourism is becoming more and more in demand in Russia. It is predicted that by 2035 the number of people traveling in this
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12 pairs of trendy urban sneakers for fall – from luxury to 1500 rubles
We appreciate them for their comfort and unique ability to look complementary with both relaxed outfits and strict office looks. From a purely sporty closet they have confidently
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How to always turn out cool in photos? 30 Lifehacks for Perfect Shots
photographer, cultural critic “In this day and age where photos play a significant role in life, everyone wants to look their best in them. There’s good news –
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How to make a full face look thinner with makeup? Instructions from a celebrity makeup artist
celebrity makeup artist “Every woman is beautiful in her uniqueness. That’s true, but personally, I understand that girls strive to improve themselves in some way. For example, to
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What backpack to buy for the city to be stylish and comfortable: 6 women’s and men’s options
Fashion expert at Shopping Live online store “Backpacks have long been an integral part of urban outfits. They delight with their convenience and practicality, but to choose a
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Scooter Guide – 2023: model overview and 10 options for different budgets
Scooter is probably the most popular means of transportation. This is due to a good combination of options. Most scooters are lightweight and compact. They are not so
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Prirodzený trend: 7 športovcov, ktorí neskrývajú svoje šediny a vyzerajú v pohode
The trend for gray hair has reached world sports. More and more often you can see professional athletes, fitness trainers, soccer players, hockey players in a natural look.
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Ktoré topánky starnú muža a zosmiešňujú obraz? Zastavte zoznam 5 párov
The world of fashion changes constantly, and with it the trends of men’s shoes. What was relevant a few years ago, today can spoil the image and make
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