Popularita za cenu života: blogeri sa pustili do výzvy proti koronavírusu
Popularity at the cost of life: bloggers launched a coronavirus challenge Alexandra Ponomaryova March 27, 2020, 16:00 MSC Played out. They wanted to hype, and one of them
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Ako si udržať dobrú náladu, keď je všetko okolo vás stresujúce?
The news feeds of the last month increasingly resemble reports from the front and bear little resemblance to peacetime chronicles. The coronavirus infection that has spread around the
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Test: Môžem dostať koronavírus? Výpočet pravdepodobnosti
Every day new cases of coronavirus infection are detected in Russia. The number of people infected with COVID-2019 in our country has already exceeded a thousand people. Today
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Denníky z karantény: ako žije streamerka Karina v Taliansku
Coronavirus infection has been spreading rapidly around the world for the past three months. The first country to be hit was China. After the outbreak of the virus
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
8 tipov na chudnutie, o ktorých málokto vie
Quarantine can be put to good use. Being cooped up in a four-walled apartment is a great reason to start taking care of your health. The easiest thing
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Izolácia: prečo je teraz dôležité zostať doma
The week of March 28 to April 5 was officially declared off due to the rapid spread of a new virus. Therefore, many workers either went on vacation
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Posilnenie imunitného systému. Granátové jablko vám pomôže v boji proti vírusu
Nowadays, strengthening immunity becomes a task of paramount importance. For this purpose, it is not always necessary to resort to supplements and vitamins bought at the pharmacy. Often
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Osobné skúsenosti: ktoré celebrity sa už nakazili koronavírusom
More and more people are falling ill with coronavirus infection. To date, the number of infected people in the world has exceeded 700 thousand people, and in Russia
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
"Nemôžeš byť taký nezodpovedný!" Hviezdy vyjadrili svoj názor na sebaizoláciu
Last Saturday was the beginning of the official non-working week. Such a measure was taken by the government to stop the rapid spread of the coronavirus in our
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Čo robiť v karanténe? Platformy, ktoré otvorili voľný prístup
Following Moscow, other Russian cities began to resort to quarantine measures because of the coronavirus. Some people were glad to be home at last, while others found self-isolation
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