Na farbe záleží: aký riad si vybrať pre zdravé stravovanie?
Color matters: which cookware to choose for healthy eating? Teresa Danilova February 26, 2021, 17:05 MSC From a large white plate, you can eat much more than you
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Čo sa stane, ak budete pravidelne jesť vlašské orechy? Predpokladá sa, že zlepšujú funkciu mozgu
What happens if you eat walnuts regularly? They are believed to improve brain function February 27, 2021, 17:10 MSC But per day you can eat no more than
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Prekročenie limitu: čo robiť, ak sa prejedáte
Exceeded the limit: what to do if you have overeaten February 27, 2021, 21:45 MSC Sometimes it’s hard to know when it’s time to stop. Sometimes it happens
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Užitočné alebo nie: čo je to shakshuka a dá sa jesť každý deň?
Useful or not so useful: what is shakshuka and can it be eaten every day? Teresa Danilova March 1, 2021, 13:35 MSC How to cook an Israeli dish
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Zapamätajte si všetko: 5 potravín, ktoré zlepšujú pamäť
Human memory has a tendency to fade and weaken. Over time, it becomes difficult for some people to quickly memorize large amounts of information and keep it in
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Čo je to boulle a ako ho pripraviť? Recepty na zdravé jedlo
One interesting type of healthy food that has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years is a bowl. What is this dish with such an
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Avokádový toast verzus palacinky: čo si vybrať na raňajky?
Avocado toast vs. pancakes: what to choose for breakfast? March 5, 2021, 11:45 a.m. MSC Your first meal should be balanced and energizing for the day. Most people
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Prírodný dresing, čerstvá zelenina a ďalšie pravidlá pre dokonalý šalát
Generally speaking, salads, for the most part, are an uncomplicated dish. By mixing several different ingredients in a large bowl and dressing them with a sauce, you can
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Nočné "obžerstvo": prečo chcete jesť neskôr počas dňa?
Night rises for the sake of looking in the refrigerator, or too late meals, because it is simply impossible to fall asleep on an empty stomach. Why this
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Pancake Day without consequences: how to cook PP pancakes
From March 8 to 14, Russia celebrates Maslenitsa. On this holiday, it is customary to cook pancakes and eat them with various tasty fillings. But what to do
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