Ako pomáha horký melón schudnúť a kto by ho nemal jesť?
nutritionist What is the usefulness of bitter melon? What is this plant and who should not eat it? Momordica, or bitter melon, is a medicinal plant. Of the
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Je reálne schudnúť pri diéte 5:2? Zásady správnej víkendovej diéty
Is it realistic to lose weight on the 5:2 diet? Principles of proper weekend dieting Elena Doronkina January 13, 2022, 19:05 MSC Most of the time you can
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Vedci zistili, že zelený čaj spomaľuje starnutie. Ako to funguje?
How does green tea affect the body? Can it increase life expectancy? Who should not drink it? Let’s find out together with a nutritiologist. Useful properties of green
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Prečo nemáte po jedle pocit sýtosti? 7 nezrejmých dôvodov "zlej" chuti do jedla
Where does a strong appetite come from? Why can not get full? Let’s find out together with the doctor. Nutritionists recommend that you finish eating before you feel
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5 nápojov, ktoré pomôžu posilniť váš imunitný systém
expert biochemist of the company “Barrier” What drinks improve immunity? What to prepare useful for health? Increase the protective properties of the body in the cold season is
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Hovorí sa, že muži by nemali jesť kuracie mäso. Spolu s odborníkom sme zisťovali, či je to pravda
Why should men not eat a lot of chicken? How can it be dangerous? Let’s find out together with a nutritionist. Chicken fillet – the basis of the
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Ako sa dostať do formy po silvestrovskej hostine za tri týždne
How to get in shape after New Year’s feast in three weeks January 19, 2022, 17:11 MSC We tell you what to exclude from the diet to lose
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Čo sa deje s telom, ak sa často prejedáte?
What happens if you overeat regularly? What are the dangers of overeating? Overeating is the excessive consumption of food, that is, more calories than necessary and usually larger
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Aké sú výhody bobúľ goji? Odporúčajú sa pre ľudí s problémami so zrakom a hmotnosťou
How useful are goji berries? They are recommended for those with vision and weight problems January 21, 2022, 19:45 MSC Scientists from the University of Davis in California
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Ako vyrobiť PP marshmallows? Recept krok za krokom
How to make PP marshmallows? Step-by-step recipe Teresa Danilova January 22, 2022, 17:35 MSC The dessert will be an alternative to ordinary sweets and a good addition to
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