Odborník na výživu pomenoval výživovú chybu, ktorá sa často robí po 30. roku života.
After the 30-year mark, a person undergoes a number of transformations with the body. Such as? The hormonal background changes, metabolism slows down, as a result – the
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"Mravenčenie v ľavom boku zmizlo." Ako som sa na päť mesiacov vzdala oleja na vyprážanie
graduate of the Russian State University of Science and Technology, presenter of the Shop&Show TV channel, food blogger I decided to give up any kind of oil when
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Why do men need to eat meat? Nutriciologist names 5 good reasons
Why do men need to eat meat? Nutriciologist names 5 good reasons Alena Dobrovolskaya March 31, 2023, 17:15 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio
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5 návykov a potravín, ktoré nás nútia jesť viac a robia nás závislými na jedle
Psychologists classify food addiction as a subspecies of deviant (deviant) behavior. In such cases, the desire to satisfy hunger is transformed into a cult. Psycho-emotional factors underlie such
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Lekár vymenoval 7 skupín potravín pre tenistov, ktoré zvyšujú vytrvalosť
Tennis is a high-intensity sport that requires endurance, strength, flexibility and quickness. It is important to realize that proper nutrition is a key factor in achieving success in
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Lekár vymenoval 7 obvyklých produktov, ktorých výhody mnohí ľudia podceňujú
General practitioner, family physician of VSK Digital Clinic Tells what useful products are undeservedly forgotten. Coconut oil Coconut oil is obtained from the pulp of the coconut, it
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8 zdravých občerstvení, ktoré si môžete pripraviť len z dvoch ingrediencií
8 healthy snacks you can make with just two ingredients April 4, 2023, 17:45 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element. A nutritionist presented
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Lekár vymenoval 5 potravín, ktoré by mali byť súčasťou stravy futbalistov
general practitioner Professional soccer players spend an enormous amount of time and energy on daily training. During training camps, athletes train hard for 4-6 hours a day, with
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Čím nahradiť slnečnicový olej? Lekár vymenoval 5 užitočných alternatív na vyprážanie
general practitioner, ex-director of the Hillel Foundation in Saratov For many recipes, sunflower oil is a must-have ingredient, as it has a neutral flavor and is safe for
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Ako užitočný je cesnak pre mužov? O jeho liečivých vlastnostiach hovoril lekár a fitnes tréner
fitness trainer, nutritionist, bodybuilder We are what we eat. No matter how far medicine has come, no matter how perfect it is, it still can’t get rid of
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