What does a proper bite look like? A dentist has identified the main signs
orthopedic dentist, surgeon, implantologist “Bite is the relationship of the lower and upper tooth rows in full alignment and maximum contact. It is the first parameter that a
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Ako môže muž dosiahnuť čistú pokožku na chrbte? Tipy od lekára a odborníka na zdravú výživu
Rashes on the back – a very urgent skin problem, familiar not only to teenagers, but also to adults. It is necessary to solve this problem comprehensively: in
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Neurokouč pomenoval tri "mozgy", ktoré riadia konanie človeka, a vysvetlil, prečo
“The human brain is amazingly complex. Decision-making is influenced not only by logic and rational analysis of information, but also by deep-seated instincts, sensations, emotions, and even the
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How to lose weight fast and improve your health? Lifehacks from experts
Everyone knows the axiom: to lose weight and improve your health, you need to eat a balanced diet and move a lot or do sports. Let’s find out
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Boj Maria Lemieuxa s lymfómom: hematológ porozprával o chorobe slávneho hokejistu
Mario Lemieux’s struggle with lymphoma: hematologist told about the disease of the famous hockey player April 14, 2024, 15:30 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the
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How to protect yourself from ticks? Epidemiologist named 5 simple and effective methods
With the arrival of warmth, ticks wake up. As a rule, the first period of their activity starts in early April and lasts until mid-June. In August comes
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Falling asleep and laughing: what narcolepsy is and how to distinguish it from ordinary sleepiness
Narcolepsy can significantly affect a person’s quality of life, making daily tasks and social interactions difficult. Together with an expert, we find out what this disease is and
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Hlavným problémom Mohameda Aliho je Parkinsonova choroba. Profesor pomenoval príznaky tejto choroby
Mohammed Ali is remembered to the world as a professional boxer and public figure from the United States. He was the first fighter to win the world heavyweight
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Taoist Routine: How to keep young in China, spending 1 hour a day on it
Taoist Routine: How to keep young in China, spending 1 hour a day on it Anna Vladimirova April 21, 2024, 15:45 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not
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Onkologický lekár nám hovorí, či je jarné slnko nebezpečné pre vašu pokožku
Oncologist told whether the spring sun is dangerous for the skin April 23, 2024, 15:45 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element. And whether
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