Čo sa deje s telom počas tréningu?
Sport helps you not only to lose weight or gain muscle mass. During training, hormonal, psychological and biochemical reactions occur that motivate you to go to the gym
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Aké môžu byť nebezpečenstvá pri pešej turistike?
orthopedic traumatologist, chief podiatrist of the ORTEKA salon network What are the dangers of walking? How to reduce the risk of injuries? The benefits of walking have long
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Ako vám športové oblečenie pomáha viesť zdravý životný štýl?
How does clothing affect lifestyle and eating habits? Let’s find out together with a psychologist and psychotherapist. Few people do not know the expression “In a healthy body
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Prečo sa u športovcov menej často vyskytujú duševné poruchy?
Why are athletes less likely to experience mental health disorders? September 19, 2021, 12:05 AM MSC. Athletes experience anxiety 60% less often than those with sedentary lifestyles. How
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5 helpers on the way to slimness and wellness
champion of international fitness competitions Why do you need to drink vitamins during weight loss? Many people are accustomed to believe that the path to a slim and
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Prečo liposukcia nie je všeliek? Neponáhľajte sa s "odčerpávaním" tuku
Does liposuction “cure” obesity? Is the effect of this procedure reversible? Let’s find out together with the doctor. The world would be incomparably simpler if all issues could
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Test: viete, ako sa vyrovnať s jesennou "depresiou"?
Why is it normal to feel sad in the fall? Do you know how to cope with fall moping? Let’s find out together with a psychologist. For many
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Ako kúpanie ovplyvňuje zdravie a kedy by ste sa mali kúpať?
How does a bath affect health and when should you go there? September 23, 2021, 07:15 MSC It has an effect on different systems of the body, and
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Aké nebezpečenstvo predstavuje hrbenie sa pri tréningu a ako sa ho zbaviť?
How does slouching affect training? Why is it dangerous to slouch? Let’s find out together with a doctor and a trainer. The ancient philosopher Hippocrates said: “If there
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Čo sa stane s telom, ak namiesto jedla vypijete proteínový kokteil?
Is it possible to use protein instead of food for a week? How can it affect my health? What are the dangers of such an experiment? Let’s find
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