Lenses, glasses or correction – what to choose for an athlete, said the ophthalmologist
Professor, Doctor of medical sciences, leading Russian ophthalmic surgeon in the field of laser correction What to choose if you have poor eyesight and do sports: contact lenses,
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7 reasons not to wear wingtip slippers, even if you are very comfortable in them
7 reasons not to wear wingtip slippers, even if you are very comfortable in them July 4, 2023, 13:15 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the
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How and what is the right way to protect yourself from smog, told the doctor
MD, pediatrician, nutritionist, co-founder of UniProf Academy of Physicians How to protect yourself from smog and burning? Does a medical mask help? A medical mask is a barrier
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5 science-based reasons to be alone with yourself
If you’re that introvert who likes to spend time alone, we’ve got good news. It turns out that social isolation isn’t all bad. Scientists have proven the benefits
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6 nezrejmých dôvodov, prečo sa vám zhoršuje zrak. Nie je to len váš smartfón
Everyone sooner or later faces deterioration of vision. It prevents you from working, moving freely and doing other things. It is not easy to adapt to this, and
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Why people eat soap, metal, dirt and other inedible things. Let’s talk to a psychologist
Some people’s taste preferences are so far from the standards that even the most unpretentious person would say “yuck”. And we are not talking about fans of strange
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A doctor has given 4 reasons why men should get pedicures
general practitioner Why do pedicures? Do men need such a procedure? Manicure and pedicure are not necessarily a ceremonial trip to the salon to the master with a
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Oxygen cocktails and baths – useful treatments or a waste of money?
MD, pediatrician, nutritionist, co-founder of UniProf Academy of Physicians What is oxygen therapy? What is it useful and what is harmful? Oxygen therapy, or oxygen therapy, oxygenation –
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What to do if you are stung by a wasp or bee. Instructions from your doctor
What to do if you are stung by a wasp or bee. Instructions from your doctor Svetlana Perez September 2, 2022, 11:00 AM MSC Before you start treatment,
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3 situations when a tattoo is not a fad, but a necessity
general practitioner Let’s stipulate right away, this material is not a collection of important reasons to get a tattoo, with which you can come to your parents. Tattooing
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