Všetko je to v hlave: čo sú poruchy príjmu potravy a ako sa s nimi vyrovnať
Imposed beauty standards, constant stress and dissatisfaction with their own bodies – these are the problems hundreds of people face every day. Some people manage to cope with
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Skutočný muž. Ako sa vyrovnať s poklesom hladiny testosterónu
What makes a man a man? Not the easiest question, which everyone will answer in his own way. We can say about actions and the right words. About
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Three simple exercises for lower back pain that will make life easier
Three simple exercises for lower back pain that will make life easier August 19, 2020, 14:45 MSC To keep the muscles of the back from stagnating, it is
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Lose weight without working out: 7 simple research-backed tips for losing weight
Many people want to look slim and trim, but not everyone is ready to go on diets and sweat in the gym. Fortunately, it is possible to stay
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Vedci zistili, ako veľkosť chodidla a mozgu ovplyvňuje dlhovekosť
Scientists find out how foot and brain size affects longevity Yulia Fedorova August 20, 2020, 22:45 MSC Even such seemingly insignificant factors matter. Longevity is influenced by many
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Nová norma. Koľko by mali vážiť muži a ženy v ich veku
Every person at least once in their life has wondered how much they should weigh. Someone worries about it every day. It is clear that there cannot be
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What happens to the body if you combine smoking and sports?
Cigarettes are an old enemy of man. On TV, on the Internet, in advertisements, even on the packages of cigarettes – everywhere we hear about the terrible consequences
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Hora z vašich ramien: 5 jednoduchých cvikov na bolesť krku
Discomfort in the neck area is not only inconvenient, but also negatively affects performance. Tension in the muscles makes a person more irritable, worsens mood and significantly reduces
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Adaptívna termogenéza: prečo sa telo bráni chudnutiu?
It is not easy to get rid of extra pounds, and it is even more difficult to maintain the result. After all, many different processes in the human
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On tiptoe: how can you lose weight by walking on your toes?
When walking, we are accustomed to resting on the whole foot, and we tiptoe only when we need to move as carefully as possible. For example, so as
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