Kedy. Before, after and during your workout
By far the healthiest beverage is water! Water is vital to us. It is a universal biological solvent in which most biochemical reactions take place. Sufficient water is necessary for adequate thermoregulation, normal kidney function, cardiovascular and digestive systems. It supports our body’s defenses and helps it get rid of harmful metabolic products.
The norm of drinking water for a person is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.
Therapist, TV presenter Alexei Bezymyanny: “Water is necessary to drink. And not only when thirsty, but in general, doing sports. At the same time, water should be drunk in glasses. Immediately a large volume to drink is not recommended, otherwise it is a heavy load on the kidneys and heart.”
Tea and coffee
Kedy? Before and after training.
Both tea and coffee have a stimulating effect due to the caffeine in their composition. Caffeine has an invigorating effect, increases performance, and slightly raises blood pressure and heart rate. It is especially useful for hypotonic people (people with low blood pressure). In addition, in addition to caffeine in the composition of tea and coffee includes a huge number of useful biologically active substances that have antioxidant activity, ie protecting the cells of our body from damaging environmental factors and premature aging.
There are many studies proving that drinking tea and coffee in moderate amounts (up to 3 cups a day) significantly reduces the risks of developing diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer.
When to drink coffee or tea? Answers our expert, therapist, TV presenter Alexey Bezymyanny: “It all depends on the heart rate: both tea and coffee increase the heart rate. If it is a professional athlete who exercises and controls his heart rate, which is very important, he knows the optimal heart rate range for his work. In that case, if the athlete drinks coffee and the heart rate does not go into other intervals, then why not – one cup can be drunk before training. Although there’s usually no clear and urgent need to do so.”
Non-alcoholic beer
Kedy. After a workout.
Non-alcoholic beer, made with natural ingredients and no artificial flavors or colors, contains vitamins B1, B2, PP and the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. In addition, it is less caloric than fruit juices, has a pleasant beer flavor and contains almost no alcohol. Non-alcoholic beer is a good thirst quencher and refreshing.
Therapist and TV presenter Alexey Bezymyanny: “Among other things, non-alcoholic beer contains carbohydrates, making it a suitable drink to replenish energy after a workout. It’s clear that it’s not before or during exercise, but rather afterward that you can drink non-alcoholic beer, ideally done during the so-called carbohydrate window (a suggested period of 35-40 minutes after intense physical activity).”
There is an opinion that beer is quite a caloric product. Let’s try to figure out if this is true? One can of Baltika 0 non-alcoholic beer (volume – 0.45 ml) contains only 158 kilocalories. Agree that if you use non-alcoholic beer in reasonable quantities, you can drink it without fear for your figure and health.
Non-alcoholic beer is suitable for those who want to gain mass. At the initial stage of “loading” you can include a non-alcoholic drink in your diet. It is less caloric than milk, sweet sodas or fruit juice. Among other things, B vitamins help the body recover after exercise.
Kedy? Before or after a workout.
All vitamins, minerals and other useful bioactive substances, as well as easily digestible sugars contained in vegetables, fruits and berries, remain in juices. Especially if they are freshly squeezed juices. And all the useful substances from juices are assimilated as quickly as possible, because the body does not need to spend time and energy to digest them. So if you need energy urgently, “here and now”, a glass of freshly squeezed juice is a great solution. But do not forget that even in fresh juice the amount of sugar is very high, and the fiber content, on the contrary, is minimal. In addition, most vitamins are destroyed by interaction with metal and air.
Milk and dairy products
Kedy. Before a workout.
Milk contains complete easily digestible protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, D, fats that promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, as well as milk sugar – lactose. Such a rich composition makes milk a very valuable food product. It should be noted that milk, especially whole milk, is quite a caloric product.
In one glass of milk can be about 120-250 kcal. Because of such a rich composition, milk should be considered more as a food, not as a drink.
Therapist, TV presenter Alexei Bezymyanny: “How will the intestine react to fermented milk products? Everyone has a different way. What you definitely can not do is to exercise on an empty stomach, when there is already pain, discomfort, rumbling in the stomach. In this case, it is really better to drink kefir, drinkable yogurt or protein shake on water or milk (depending on the percentage of fat and the characteristics of the person).”
It’s important to remember: many people have a dairy sugar intolerance. Dairy lovers in the initial stages of weight loss include non-fat dairy products in the diet. It is not worth excluding such drinks and products from your diet because of the content of lactic acid bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.