Myths about diets. Why is sport alone not enough to get in shape?

And now we are ready to break the well-known stereotypes about diets. In the previous article, read about why the principle of calorie deficit does not work.

Today our attention was attracted by a very common myth. It is quite similar to the previous one – “you should eat less”. However, they usually do not work together, but on the contrary, strictly separate.

Myth #4 – “sport will save everyone”.

Adherents of this theory forget that you should always act and train wisely. For example, cardio exercises performed for longer than an hour, begin to burn muscles. And uncontrolled strength exercises tend to damage your joints rather than increase your strength. Are such uncontrolled exertions likely to produce good results?

Carbohydrate window

Another way of understanding the myth is that sport is like an indulgence for the stomach. For example, after an hour of running, such “athletes” immediately run for chips and chocolate bars. Why, the calories seem to have already been burned. Unfortunately or fortunately, it doesn’t work that way. The post-workout carbohydrate window is not a cure-all and certainly not a white flag for gluttony.

Stránkacarbohydrate window is the time, usually the first 30-40 minutes, immediately following physical activity (workout, intense work, active sports game, jogging, etc.). After physical activity, the body has an amazing ability to quickly absorb nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates. Their absorption is 3-4 times faster than normal. This state of affairs is again due to hormonal shifts and banal energy consumption.

If your goal is not only weight loss, but also muscle quality, it is definitely necessary to eat after training. Important: many: you can consider the carbohydrate window as an opportunity to indulge in a sweet treat. This will go without a trace if it is in moderation. Be sure to pay attention to portion size and food quality. Eating five slices of bitter chocolate or a chocolate muffin with toppings is not the same thing.

Using sports nutrition will greatly enrich your diet. BCAA amino acids during class and whey protein with pure water after your workout will provide your muscles with the protein they need while minimizing calories.

What to eat if your primary goal is weight loss?

This option is good for people whose primary goal is to lose weight and burn as much fat as possible, regardless of muscle condition. To lose weight, after the workout it is recommended not to eat for 1 hour, only drink water. After 1 hour, you should eat a balanced meal consisting of proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, carbohydrates should be healthy, for example: brown rice, buckwheat, coarse pasta, porridge, bread, vegetables, etc. Protein – fish, chicken, egg whites.

After training, do not eat fats and do not drink caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee…), because caffeine interferes with glycogen and interferes with muscle recovery.

Remember that first of all you need to understand your goal exactly and know how and when to train. Also, if you aim for results, you can’t do without an adequate nutrition system.

All facts are taken from the book “Proper Nutrition for the Training Process” by the author of the popular Internet project “Crazy Drying” Vasily Smolny.

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